New Neutral Minion - Conjured Mirage
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
A new Rare Neutral Minion, Conjured Mirage, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Conjured Mirage, has been revealed!
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It feels nice for silence priest or as an "I need something to cover my face now!" Button
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Silencing her will remove the taunt but it'll still be a robust 3/10.
What if you combo this with doomsayer? Will it still shuffle?
Probably depends on the ordering. If you play it first, it should shuffle.
Pretty terrible unless you're going for some sort of Fatigue strategy. Having infinite drawing is possibly a thing. Depends on thd timing, but I assume it shuffles in pre-draw because it's "start of turn".
broken vs aggro.
EDIT: didnt read it properly. i thought it shuffle a copy not itself. well then idk where this card stands then
Don't know, if it's good enough, but in theory, it can buy multiple turns.
Good anti-aggro tech, either trade your entire board for this or give me a one more turn to get into my aoe. Seems pretty good.
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A neutral "frost nova" against Aggro and occasionally other things. Some strange niche fatigue reduction scenarios. I'm not sure this is a good card, but it's certainly a very interesting one.
If the opponent trades it off they've given you a ton of value for the 4 mana, but will people just ignore it instead and hit you in the face next turn? Is a one-turn delay worth it?
Is there any way to tutor this back out of your deck?
I'd love this to enable a fatigue deck at some point, but I guess it could never be consistent.
In wild, Druids can tutor it out with Oaken Summons. I think this will be great vs. aggro, but I also love the concept of it. A mirage that comes and goes, pretty neat.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Nice to see a decent and theoretically viable 'start of turn' card. Does this card keep any enchantments when you redraw it?
Edit: Nevermind my question. It obviously does not keep enchantments.
This card is very good imo.
Worst case scenario, your opponent doesn`t trade it and u basically gain health equal to the amount of damage your opponent woudlve made. In this case it`s basically like a 4 mana "Time out". It`s actually better if you have other minions. With "Time out" your opponent almost always clears your whole board cause he can`t go face. This won`t be possible cause this has taunt. If he wants to push for a little bit of face damage or trade your other minions, he has to sacrifice an incredible amount of tempo by killing a 4 mana 3/10.
It is worse than "Time out" in some scenarios though. For exmaple, if he has lethal you`re still gonna die and the tempo gain doesn`t matter. Or cards like deadly shot/Sap/poisonous minions etc. counter this.
All in all still very interesting as an anti-aggro tool and should see play if there is a very strong aggro deck that has a hard time dealing with a 10hp taunt.
Regardless of its power it's another interesting new mechanics and that's always good for the game. On top it seems also an anti-aggro tech, forcing your opponent to make some heavy trade or give you an extra turn.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Provides no threat, just delays any attacks by one turn, anti-fatigue, vulnerable to silence, only decent in Silence Priest?
I don't think this will see any constructed play at all.
worst community ever
All aggro decks have cheap target removal so Idon’t think this card will be too much of a problem. I can just venomizer it and carry on with my day.
Although certainly an interesting card, I don't think it'll see much play. I'm not sure most decks care much for a Frost Nova.
It depends on which minion u play firs
this is a potentially strong card. there aren't a lot of defensive things to do on 4 mana and this is neutral. It either soaks 10 damage while hitting stuff which is amazing for four mana, soaks premium removal like deadly shot, halts development and they pass, or they develop more possibly into a 5 mana aoe. All of these are pretty good. Maybe the fact that it never sticks makes it unplayable, but If you think of it more as a spell and less as a minion, it still seems playable. There hasn't been a card quite like this so we won't be sure until we get our hands on it.
I think maybe control shaman and some priest decks play this. maybe some combo decks that aren't focused on going really fast through the deck. Decks that aren't necessarily fighting for an early board and want to stall to play their powerful late game.
Venomizer is an important card in bomb hunter though. if i'm playing a control role against mech hunter i'm usually not that upset for them to use a venomizer early as one minion removal.
That’s true but I think where this card would really shine is if it’s generated/recruited, etc then the fun truly starts.