Thjis Legends Invitational Tournament

Submitted 2 years, 6 months ago by

Well, I actually knew this was a thing a few days back but since only Reddit is showing it, I thought I should at very least keep all informed that Thjis is hosting an invitational tournament today (21st Dec) on 2pm CET. Watch it via his twitch or through the other participants. Far as I know, Kibler, bunnyhopper, nohandsgamer, gaby, and curiously Cora (currently in blizz as designer) are part of it.

At very least because its less serious than blizz run tournaments we can expect there to be a mix of tier 1-2 decks along with a few less viable but fun decks as well. It is, after all, the first tournament post patch.

For anyone serious about hearthstone esport, or just ranked standard should give it a watch. Its one of those rare non-blizz tournament I've seen in ages.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5565 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Well, I actually knew this was a thing a few days back but since only Reddit is showing it, I thought I should at very least keep all informed that Thjis is hosting an invitational tournament today (21st Dec) on 2pm CET. Watch it via his twitch or through the other participants. Far as I know, Kibler, bunnyhopper, nohandsgamer, gaby, and curiously Cora (currently in blizz as designer) are part of it.

    At very least because its less serious than blizz run tournaments we can expect there to be a mix of tier 1-2 decks along with a few less viable but fun decks as well. It is, after all, the first tournament post patch.

    For anyone serious about hearthstone esport, or just ranked standard should give it a watch. Its one of those rare non-blizz tournament I've seen in ages.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    We should be front paging this soonish thanks to Aesan - but props for posting about this on the forums (discussion ftw!) because we don't always cover every single community-run event.

    Some great players taking part though and Cora is going to be donating any winnings so that's awesome of her.

    Also, no one get angry at Aesan if he doesn't get it up, you can get angry at me instead. I feel bad for saying he's going to do it when it's possible that he could run into scheduling problems - we've all been there at some point.

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  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    It's been on our radar for the past few days as well, they just haven't been very forthcoming with sharing all useful images, details, and so on (plus the qualifier was supposed to take place and finish on Monday, but because of the surprise patch and issues that followed had to be cut in half and also played on Tuesday). Kind of annoying when you're trying to get a full picture. But as Flux points out, it's never a guarantee we catch these things timely or manage to put everything together, so thank you for spreading the word here! 

    I'm curious about that starting time, as that's the one thing I didn't see publicly announced on Twitter or Discord and couldn't get a reply about. Perhaps you know more. Did he only mention it on his stream in passing? 

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5565 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Aesan

    It's been on our radar for the past few days as well, they just haven't been very forthcoming with sharing all useful images, details, and so on (plus the qualifier was supposed to take place and finish on Monday, but because of the surprise patch and issues that followed had to be cut in half and also played on Tuesday). Kind of annoying when you're trying to get a full picture. But as Flux points out, it's never a guarantee we catch these things timely or manage to put everything together, so thank you for spreading the word here! 

    I'm curious about that starting time, as that's the one thing I didn't see publicly announced on Twitter or Discord and couldn't get a reply about. Perhaps you know more. Did he only mention it on his stream in passing? 

    Agreed that the details aren't really out there. I went through his twitter several times and couldn't find out much myself. It was only in reddit that I saw the time in the first place. Chances are good he explained it in his streams, but I dont have the time to shift through all that.

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah... no time to keep going through hours of streams in the hopes of learning something like this that should've been clearly announced in the first place. It's delayed my efforts and I was just about resigned to talk about it without any specified time included, then updating only once we actually made sure. 

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