[Hydra] Core Mage achievement ideas
Submitted 2 years, 7 months ago by
I am currently stuck on the latest [Hydra] Core Mage achievement Caution: Lethal May Be Hot! which is extremely difficult to complete and has to happen 30 times in order to fully complete it.
Does anyone perhaps have some great Standard or Wild deck suggestions on how to reliably destroy the opponent using Pyroblast for lethal damage?
I suppose we should either reduce the mana cost considerably or stall games long enough to reach turn 10 at least.
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I am currently stuck on the latest [Hydra] Core Mage achievement Caution: Lethal May Be Hot! which is extremely difficult to complete and has to happen 30 times in order to fully complete it.
Does anyone perhaps have some great Standard or Wild deck suggestions on how to reliably destroy the opponent using Pyroblast for lethal damage?
I suppose we should either reduce the mana cost considerably or stall games long enough to reach turn 10 at least.
If you can cheapen it by 1, then you can double pyro their face with the treasure from Queen Azshara
But generally I find reducing their health to below 10 and then pyro their face is unusually easy unless you're facing an aggro deck.
Great idea, Queen Azshara combined with Brann Bronzebeard and either Hot Streak or a random reduction from Celestial Ink Set on Pyroblast and we have ourselves an OTK combo. We just have to avoid armor gain classes like Druid and Warrior.
Thanks, dapperdog!
Awesome, I managed to play the OTK combo mentioned above twice in ranked Wild already using Ice Block to stall for a few turns. Still 27 times more to go 😅
Although the setup is a bit easier, the environment is much worse compared to Standard because games are usually shorter and do not last until turn 10 unfortunately.
Also, having to restart Hearthstone each game caused by the Brann Bronzebeard + Queen Azshara bug is feelsbadman.
Barbaric Sorceress can reduce the cost by quite a bit, but then you'd need a hand without other spells in it.
What about Standard mech Mage with this as a finish?
Mage uses Pyroblast to finish off oppenents in classic mode. Worth a shot.
Your face is already dead
Yeah, completing this in Classic mode is indeed much more consistent compared to playing the earlier suggested meme-y OTK combo in Wild or Standard.
I still have 26 lethal procs left to go, so I better crack on with it before Team5 decides to add other sets to Classic.
EDIT: Done! 😋
Niiice! Share your deck!
Sure Ataturk, I used this specific build to complete the achievement:
Good luck and have fun! 👍🏻
Thanks Lion-O!! XDD