New Druid Spell - Untapped Potential
Submitted 5 years, 8 months ago by
A new Legendary Druid Spell, Untapped Potential, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Druid Spell, Untapped Potential, has been revealed!
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'i choose both paths' tala stonerage
This is easy to complete against control as combo. The longer you delay, the harder it will be not to die to the opponent's late game, so you have to complete this in the first few turns. Against aggro it might be the opposite, but I don't see why anyone would keep the quest in that MU. I find this spell kinda scary against slow decks.
This one is less obviously good than the Warlock quest. We will need to see what else is in the set. It's funny that there is anti-synergy with Questing Explorer. But curving the quest into Nourish is something I am moderately interested in.
I like this. There's a lot of choices to be made, and the reward is not some "gotcha I win" gimmick like the prior quests. I worry that cards like this won't find a place in a meta otherwise dominated by OP combos. Seems like more of a solid mid-range kind of play, and mid-range has been dead for a while now.
Communism is just a red herring
This card does indicate that a new ramp card will be printed. As far as the card itself goes, the reward is quite good, but the quest itself seems so slow...
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I'm not sure the reward is good enough. Also, I wonder if this works with the Coin.
worst community ever
I like this kind of quest the quest isn't too hard to complete you can complete immediately or wait a while. the reward is strong but not game winning.. I really do like this card (1 month later people call for nerfs lol).
it will be a strong card if druid has good ramp again
The Coin works very weirdly.
I don't know if this still applies or not, but using The Coin on turn 9 to activate Omega cards didn't work at one point because it wasn't "the same type of Mana" or some sort of BS like that.
pretty good. id say it would become a solid tier 2 deck
404 skill not found
I am not really sure, but I think the devs fixed this.
I'm 100% sure it still works that way, intentionally. Temporary mana crystals (coin, innervate) don't count toward reaching the omega-state. Not sure about the issue of "unspent mana", intuitively it should work with coin but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
This card is really hard to evaluate without knowing what other choose one cards are being printed. Hopefully something nice if they're trying to push this archetype. Obviously Stalladris is a plus but that presently only sees play in token druid, and that deck won't be running the quest.
Hmm if this works with the coin then you get a one turn jump on the process by burning the coin on turn 1 and then playing this. Then you only have to play behind the curve for 3 more turns instead of 4.
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done.
Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!
My intuition says it's probably better to use the coin to get ahead on board early to compensate for all the turns you'll be forced to play behind the curve. Assuming the card is viable at all, of course. EG you could coin a 2 drop on turn one into quest: pass on turn two.
That is a good thought. It would be interesting if HSReplays or some other site like that could parse the math over each strategy to see which one is better. I can see yours working out better because then you get that turn 2 damage swing or some other turn 2 bonus from already having a minion out.
Either way though it helps minimize that dead turn when you actually play the quest because your quest advances on the turn you play it.
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done.
Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!
I love that the quests have synergy with legendaries from Rise of Shadow. It seems the game designers are not trying to push a completely new archetype but rather build on an existing one, which makes future decks unexpensive.
Jade Druid here I come!!
It doesn't say all unspent mana just any. If you use a coin then don't spend they generated mana it's unspent mana. It has no relation to the Omega cards either which a very specific about crystals
Cool, instead of just playing Fandral Staghelm, I can now become Fandral
The very specific phrasing of the omega cards ("if you have 10 mana crystals") suggests that they should work with temporary mana crystals, but they don't.
If anything, there's a stronger argument to be made that this shouldn't work with coin because you lose that mana crystal (spent or otherwise) at the end of turn, whereas this card wants you to end the turn with mana still unspent.
To illustrate this differently, if you end the turn with unspent mana those crystals stay blue on your opponent's turn. I'm pretty sure *those* are the mana crystals this card cares about. Burning a coin won't give you a blue crystal on your opponent's turn, it just fizzles.
All that said, we simply can't know for sure until release or until a dev tells us how it'll work because HS has never been very consistent or precise in their wording, as the example of the Omega cards illustrates.
I'm curious as to how this quest reward will work with Crystal Power. Does it allow you to target two separately or does it make you deal damage to and then heal the same minion? Will Branching Paths get all three?
Pretty sure it only targets a single minion, just like Wrath does.
Branching paths doesn't say choose once anywhere so it isn't affected by the Quest reward.
Wardruid Loti will love this hero power reward, lol. The quest seems easy enough to complete, with a reward that's not too oppressive.
Seems powerful in the right meta. In a control vs. control, having Fandral Staghelm on a Hero Power seems pretty powerful in the long term. Now all Druid needs is a reason to play a control deck, instead of just running over those control decks with Token.
I’m surprised to see no one has mentioned the reference to Magic The Gathering: “untapped” referring to untapped lands (unused mana).
I think Druid is supposed to use Wild Growth with this, seeing as it grants an empty mana crystal that is unused at the end of the turn.
After looking at all cards with choose one effect:
I think the following would be right - this quest alongside Worthy Expedition would either enforce current miracle jade druid (feat. Arcane Giants, Gadgetzan Auctioneer obviously) or would create a slow swarm deck, that benefits from both choose one effects occurring (Cenarius, Power of the Wild, Mark of the Loa...). I am not sure whether the latter archtype would be playable in either format (especially in wild), but it's worth testing. I thought about this being included in standard heal druid, but there aren't that many good Choose one cards to benefit from.