Noob question: Can you run both quests at the same time?
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
If you can then I say Activate the Obelisk has nice synergy with Awaken the Makers . The theoretical death-rattle deck will also be flexible. With all these cheap deathrattle & reborn minions, like Grandmummy you will have an early decent game & later when Amara, Warden of Hope will activate obelisk you will have a strong hero power for the late game which will help you keeping your minion to stick on your board. You can also run Raza & Reno for the highlander flavour. 1 mana Obelisk eye will be pretty damn good. Also Reno can help you activate Obelisk on a single turn so you don't have to keep waiting for Amara to activate.
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If you can then I say Activate the Obelisk has nice synergy with Awaken the Makers . The theoretical death-rattle deck will also be flexible. With all these cheap deathrattle & reborn minions, like Grandmummy you will have an early decent game & later when Amara, Warden of Hope will activate obelisk you will have a strong hero power for the late game which will help you keeping your minion to stick on your board. You can also run Raza & Reno for the highlander flavour. 1 mana Obelisk eye will be pretty damn good. Also Reno can help you activate Obelisk on a single turn so you don't have to keep waiting for Amara to activate.
No, you can't play your second quest, when your first quest is still active (in process). You need to finish your first quest first to play your second quest. Case closed.
That's discouraging to be honest, But I would still love to try this deck to see how it would fare. It would be my first priority after the launch of SoU.
You can put both in your deck, and both would start in your opening hand. However, like Yusuke said, you can only have 1 in play at any one time.
Yeah, not possible to have both equipped at the same time. And while some of these new quests seem like they will be pretty easy to complete in a timely fashion, it will probably be a question of "can i really start the game with two less cards?". Questing Adventurer helps with this a little bit, but even just one quest and being down a card is usually a pretty big deal.
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Team 5 should think about changing the mechanic to be honest. I know that the end goal of new quests or new hero cards are to produce new archetype, But sometimes the overlap between them is so strong that the temptation of running both oft hem in the same deck becomes irrepressible. Not creating an artificial barrier would produce better results in my opinion.
Amara, Warden of Hope will not Activate the Obelisk as it reads set your hero's health to 40, not heal to 40.
Arena > Wild > Standard
You could make a highlander deck and use reno to complete the new quest at once. But no idea how that deck would look like and even less likely the other quest could fit in.
I think easiest deck to comple 2 quests is Wild Murloc Shaman, but I think the new quest is kind a useless