Buffing Useless Legendaries

Submitted 2 years, 2 months ago by

Almost half of all legendaries in this game see no play. Blizzard neglects old cards because they're too concerned with making money with new cards instead of fixing older cards.

Some 'useless legendries" actually work in certain combo decks. Hemet, Jungle Hunter has its purpose. I had a 75% win rate by having this card in my Mecha'Thun deck. So crappy cards like this don't really need to be changed, because they have a purpose. But there's a lot of cards out there that just have no use what so ever or have been completely power crept out of the game. So I am going to try and buff a few

Most useless legendries just need stat or mana changes, but there are some that need their effects/battlecries etc changed completely 

Please share your suggestions on how to fix various other

Edit: this site didnt let me upload images. Please see following links to hearthstones reddit for my ideas on buffing useless legendaries





  • MarsGodofWar's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 09/24/2022
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Almost half of all legendaries in this game see no play. Blizzard neglects old cards because they're too concerned with making money with new cards instead of fixing older cards.

    Some 'useless legendries" actually work in certain combo decks. Hemet, Jungle Hunter has its purpose. I had a 75% win rate by having this card in my Mecha'Thun deck. So crappy cards like this don't really need to be changed, because they have a purpose. But there's a lot of cards out there that just have no use what so ever or have been completely power crept out of the game. So I am going to try and buff a few

    Most useless legendries just need stat or mana changes, but there are some that need their effects/battlecries etc changed completely 

    Please share your suggestions on how to fix various other

    Edit: this site didnt let me upload images. Please see following links to hearthstones reddit for my ideas on buffing useless legendaries





  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hello there! Here are some of my thoughts on your suggestions.

    Arfus - Buff to 3 mana is more than needed, while the new effect seems very spicy: I am not sure I like the Discover part (you'll always pick the better ones, which might be a bit too good... or maybe I am just worrying too much).

    Bandersmosh - 2 mana is definitely too much in my opinion: I'd go with 4 mana.

    Knuckles - If this card were printed when Rush was already a thing, it would have been they way you buffed it. Good buff.

    Rhonin - Arcane Mage payoff! Love it.

    Rotface - 14 Health is beyond overtuned.


    Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.

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