A New Player Experience (from the perspective of a seasoned one)

Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by

Though I've been playing for years, I decided to start a new account and play as a free-to-play.

Through the years, the community of players have been bashing the developers and complained about a lot of things. "Salty" was a word that repeated itself.

Now, I thought to share the surprisingly positive experience I had as a "new player". 

- The rank 40 matches is genius. So much fin playing "basic and simple" Hearthstone games. 

- The collection you start with is large, includes many legendary cards, and many good ones too.I remembers my experience in past years, and how toiled to craft some of these cards that are now given for free :)

- The auto-complete deck option actually provide you decent decks for the cards you have, with synergies, across classes. 

- The cards you "discover" as you rank up your classes, are actually useful, and the fact you "right of the bat" achieve rewards in the "experience map"  is adding to the fun. 

- Players you play against are actually nice and fun to play against. Win or lose, you don;t feel "salty" because of some toxic over-powered deck that was played.

All and all, a fun experience entering into the game. A difference of night and day comparing to even five or four years ago. 

  • Zebulun's Avatar
    255 85 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Though I've been playing for years, I decided to start a new account and play as a free-to-play.

    Through the years, the community of players have been bashing the developers and complained about a lot of things. "Salty" was a word that repeated itself.

    Now, I thought to share the surprisingly positive experience I had as a "new player". 

    - The rank 40 matches is genius. So much fin playing "basic and simple" Hearthstone games. 

    - The collection you start with is large, includes many legendary cards, and many good ones too.I remembers my experience in past years, and how toiled to craft some of these cards that are now given for free :)

    - The auto-complete deck option actually provide you decent decks for the cards you have, with synergies, across classes. 

    - The cards you "discover" as you rank up your classes, are actually useful, and the fact you "right of the bat" achieve rewards in the "experience map"  is adding to the fun. 

    - Players you play against are actually nice and fun to play against. Win or lose, you don;t feel "salty" because of some toxic over-powered deck that was played.

    All and all, a fun experience entering into the game. A difference of night and day comparing to even five or four years ago. 

    Legends never die,
    They become a part of you.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    That is really nice to hear. New player experience is definitely something that is important for every game, more so for an "old" game like HS. Tho player retention shouldnt be too far behind in importance. Glad you had fun with your new account :)

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