Question about quests: What does this arrow do?
Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by
I noticed an arrow at the 2500 quest I did not notice before. I am to afraid to click it and see whats happing, because I don`t want to loose my 2500 quest. So can someone explain me what this arrow does? I allready googled about it but couldn`t find an answer.
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I noticed an arrow at the 2500 quest I did not notice before. I am to afraid to click it and see whats happing, because I don`t want to loose my 2500 quest. So can someone explain me what this arrow does? I allready googled about it but couldn`t find an answer.
I see you!
From the 24.6 Patch Notes:
[Quests] Some Daily and Weekly Quests will now include an arrow at the bottom. Press this arrow to be taken directly to the part of the client where that Quest can be completed.
Off-topic, the unfortunate thing for me is that I am no longer receiving daily nor weekly quests since this patch, but that is a totally different issue.
Thank you! :)
I see you!
Uhh, how is that even possible, they've managed to break something in very specific cases? I haven't seen it reported yet.
This bug has already been reported by several people on Reddit and the official Hearthstone US forum. It seems to only have affected players who have finished the entire Rewards Track which further supports the current low report count of this bug because I am part of the minority group in this particular case.
This issue is not yet unbearable for me personally because I do not need that XP right now. Also, I have grown accustomed to the fact that every patch Team5 puts out will introduce new bugs, which is a real shame.
I wonder if this is truly a bug or a not-well-thought-out consequence of their new way of doing the tracks. Both the Hallow's End event and the Battlegrounds pass stop letting you complete quests once you've maxed out the respective track; did they do that for the main track as well? It seems harmless, but then again you won't have any quests going into the expansion for that initial surge of XP, which is unfortunate.
I could be off-base with that (cynical) interpretation, but that is where my brain went when I read your comment.
True, Team5 might very well consider this a new "feature" instead of a bug, but it indeed also means like you explained it perfectly that players in my situation are being penalized. Since they have not yet acknowledged this as a bug, I will most probably start the new rewards track with a disadvantage. I can only view this as more proof of their lacking standards/quality because they apparently missed this undesirable consequence or simply do not care about it.
My only hope right now is that when the next major patch is made available, which happens usually a full week ahead of the expansion launch, the daily and weekly quests will return automagically.
By the way, I would like to stop my ranting here because I still like playing Hearthstone despite all the numerous annoying bugs and I should not be taking this game too serious 😉
EDIT: Just logged into HS to see if a new daily quest would appear but instead I was greeted with the notification of a new cosmetic bundle being available in the shop. Fix your damn game first before asking for more of my money, Blizzard! Oh, the irony or audacity, lol 🤣
FYI, seems like Team5 has finally acknowledged this issue and a fix will be part of the next big 25.0 patch. Better late than never I guess.