Goodwills Orchestra - A Hearthstone Custom Expansion

Submitted 2 years, 7 months ago by

After the catastrophic and dooming events of my previous expansion, The Dawning Cataclysms, I feel that we all need a detour from the tense atmosphere, and instead of cries and screams, its cheers and ovations.

Let's clear the curtains, and welcome to the Goodwills Orchestra!

This expansion marks the second one in my still in progress hearthstone year, the Year of the Angler. Such charming notes that lure whoever listens to them into the maw of the act...

Instrumental to Go!

Goodwills Orchestra features the new keyword, Score. Music isn't always the same tone or intensity, and not all songs are played the same way, and thus you oughta keep the beat up to gain all of their perks. When someone goes off-sync or off-chord, unfortunately for most musicians it means starting all over again.

Examples of a triggered Score and an ongoing Score, respectively.

Scores don’t have to be completed in one turn, they keep the progress, however their progress will reset if the cards are not played in order, keep it all in sync!

Elusive will also be keyworded, as it should be, a good number of cards in this expansion contain this keyword, and I needed the space.

Never-Forever Songs

The beat may not last forever, but its impact will always remain remembered by the people.

Some cards in this expansion will feature “temporary cards” which will be discarded at the end of your turn if they haven’t been used; sometimes replenishable, these musicians are under your directions, so lead them appropriately.

Moving Inspirations

Oh marvelous minds have arrived, of great variety and types!

Each class will get their own musician associated to their respective theme, inspired by people or things in the music industry throghout its entire existance, these will be represented by their own Hero Cards.

Without further ado, let the show begin!



Death Knight (13/13)
Music Theme: Blues

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Demon Hunter  (10/10)
Music Theme: Metal

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Druid (10/10)
Music Theme: Carnival

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Hunter (10/10)
Music Theme: Latin American (Mainly Spanish)

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Mage (10/10)
Music Theme: Horror

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Note: Ghostwriter is supposed to be an Undead, but this was made before March of the Lich King was announced, and I'm too lazy to fix it.
Marvelous Forms:

Paladin (10/10)
Music Theme: Middle Eastern

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The Other Tokens (To split tem relatively well):

Priest (10/10)
Music Theme: Rap

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Rogue (10/10)
Music Theme: Jazz

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Shaman (10/10)
Music Theme: Synth/Electro

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Warlock (10/10)
Music Theme: Classical

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Warrior (10/10)
Music Theme: Country

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Neutrals (35/35)

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  • The critic Pierre Von Tres for example, will only allow you to spend mana on two types of cards, if you have 6 mana, you can play 3 mana worth of minions and 3 mana worth of spells, or 3 worth of minions and 3 worth of locations in the same turn.
  • Remy will offer you one of two random remixes with your classes' remixes having three times chance of appearing.

    Death Knight
    Somber Undertone: Deal 2 damage to two random enemies and Freeze them.
    Tragic Backstory: Summon a Risen Groom with stats equal to the spell's cost.
    Demon Hunter:

    Fan Appeal: Give all your minions +1 Attack and your Hero +2 Attack this turn only.
    Rusted Strings: Summon three 1/1 Demons with Rush.
    Backup Dancers: Give the friendly minion with the lowest Attack +3/+2 and Rush.
    Popular Hit: Restore 6 Health to all friendly characters.
    Aggressive Steps: Give two friendly minions +2 Attack.
    Voiceover: Can choose an additional target (if able).
    Brief Tension: Reduce its cost by (2) and reduce all numbers in its text by 1.
    Lingering Chorus: Cast an original copy of the spell in 3 turns with random targets.
    Mysticism: Lifesteal. Give anything it creates or summons Lifesteal.
    Long-Winded: Give your left and right-most minions Divine Shield.
    Extended Version: Add two temporary copies of the original spell to your hand.
    Stronger Lyrics: Give all minions -1 Attack until next turn, then destroy all minions with 1 or less Attack.
    Sudden Pause: Destroy the last minion your opponent summoned.
    Improv: Discover a temporary Combo card. It costs (3) less.
    Single Key Touch: Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by (2).
    Tune it Further: Deal 5 damage split amongst enemies.
    Mighty Instruments: Increase its cost by (1) and increase all numbers in its text by (3)
    Deeper Connection: Draw two cards and increase their cost by (1).
    Inspiring Guitar: Your minions can't go below 1 Health this turn. They attack random enemy minions.
    Welcoming Intro: Deal 1 damage to all minions. Then 1 damage to all enemy minions.


The Talent Show (33/60)

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Death Knight

Demon Hunter











Hope you enjoy this expansion! I did a lot more research than I expected to keep this as flavorful as possible.

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    After the catastrophic and dooming events of my previous expansion, The Dawning Cataclysms, I feel that we all need a detour from the tense atmosphere, and instead of cries and screams, its cheers and ovations.

    Let's clear the curtains, and welcome to the Goodwills Orchestra!

    This expansion marks the second one in my still in progress hearthstone year, the Year of the Angler. Such charming notes that lure whoever listens to them into the maw of the act...

    Instrumental to Go!

    Goodwills Orchestra features the new keyword, Score. Music isn't always the same tone or intensity, and not all songs are played the same way, and thus you oughta keep the beat up to gain all of their perks. When someone goes off-sync or off-chord, unfortunately for most musicians it means starting all over again.

    Examples of a triggered Score and an ongoing Score, respectively.

    Scores don’t have to be completed in one turn, they keep the progress, however their progress will reset if the cards are not played in order, keep it all in sync!

    Elusive will also be keyworded, as it should be, a good number of cards in this expansion contain this keyword, and I needed the space.

    Never-Forever Songs

    The beat may not last forever, but its impact will always remain remembered by the people.

    Some cards in this expansion will feature “temporary cards” which will be discarded at the end of your turn if they haven’t been used; sometimes replenishable, these musicians are under your directions, so lead them appropriately.

    Moving Inspirations

    Oh marvelous minds have arrived, of great variety and types!

    Each class will get their own musician associated to their respective theme, inspired by people or things in the music industry throghout its entire existance, these will be represented by their own Hero Cards.

    Without further ado, let the show begin!



    Death Knight (13/13)
    Music Theme: Blues

    Show Spoiler


    Demon Hunter  (10/10)
    Music Theme: Metal

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    Druid (10/10)
    Music Theme: Carnival

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    Hunter (10/10)
    Music Theme: Latin American (Mainly Spanish)

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    Mage (10/10)
    Music Theme: Horror

    Show Spoiler


    Note: Ghostwriter is supposed to be an Undead, but this was made before March of the Lich King was announced, and I'm too lazy to fix it.
    Marvelous Forms:

    Paladin (10/10)
    Music Theme: Middle Eastern

    Show Spoiler


    The Other Tokens (To split tem relatively well):

    Priest (10/10)
    Music Theme: Rap

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    Rogue (10/10)
    Music Theme: Jazz

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    Shaman (10/10)
    Music Theme: Synth/Electro

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    Warlock (10/10)
    Music Theme: Classical

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    Warrior (10/10)
    Music Theme: Country

    Show Spoiler


    Neutrals (35/35)

    Show Spoiler

    • The critic Pierre Von Tres for example, will only allow you to spend mana on two types of cards, if you have 6 mana, you can play 3 mana worth of minions and 3 mana worth of spells, or 3 worth of minions and 3 worth of locations in the same turn.
    • Remy will offer you one of two random remixes with your classes' remixes having three times chance of appearing.

      Death Knight
      Somber Undertone: Deal 2 damage to two random enemies and Freeze them.
      Tragic Backstory: Summon a Risen Groom with stats equal to the spell's cost.
      Demon Hunter:

      Fan Appeal: Give all your minions +1 Attack and your Hero +2 Attack this turn only.
      Rusted Strings: Summon three 1/1 Demons with Rush.
      Backup Dancers: Give the friendly minion with the lowest Attack +3/+2 and Rush.
      Popular Hit: Restore 6 Health to all friendly characters.
      Aggressive Steps: Give two friendly minions +2 Attack.
      Voiceover: Can choose an additional target (if able).
      Brief Tension: Reduce its cost by (2) and reduce all numbers in its text by 1.
      Lingering Chorus: Cast an original copy of the spell in 3 turns with random targets.
      Mysticism: Lifesteal. Give anything it creates or summons Lifesteal.
      Long-Winded: Give your left and right-most minions Divine Shield.
      Extended Version: Add two temporary copies of the original spell to your hand.
      Stronger Lyrics: Give all minions -1 Attack until next turn, then destroy all minions with 1 or less Attack.
      Sudden Pause: Destroy the last minion your opponent summoned.
      Improv: Discover a temporary Combo card. It costs (3) less.
      Single Key Touch: Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by (2).
      Tune it Further: Deal 5 damage split amongst enemies.
      Mighty Instruments: Increase its cost by (1) and increase all numbers in its text by (3)
      Deeper Connection: Draw two cards and increase their cost by (1).
      Inspiring Guitar: Your minions can't go below 1 Health this turn. They attack random enemy minions.
      Welcoming Intro: Deal 1 damage to all minions. Then 1 damage to all enemy minions.


    The Talent Show (33/60)

    Show Spoiler

    Death Knight

    Demon Hunter











    Hope you enjoy this expansion! I did a lot more research than I expected to keep this as flavorful as possible.

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • Crusader2010's Avatar
    Garrosh 700 304 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Does the "score" stack? Like with the Upbeat Shrooms card. If you play 3 nature cards in the same turn, will the end of turn effect summon 3 more shrooms?

    Nice inspirational theme btw! :)

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Nope, it will only summon an additional one. But it will keep itself "active" until the end of your next turn, and will check if you played another Nature spell by the end of it, if you did, it will summon a Mushroom and keep itself active, meaning that it will remain active until there's a turn where you can't play a Nature spell, in which case it'll go away and you'll have to cast Upbeat Mushrooms again.

    But Score does technically stack in triggered ones, since it resets upon completion, like Snapping Stranger since its effect goes off and voila.

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    8 new cards have been added, I still cant fix the formatting to make the cards be right in the middle in spoilers so it still looks bad.

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    ...whopeee, apologies for the lack of updates, I actually updated this a while ago in the discord but forgor to update here
    ill update with the new cards later, but here we go, a whooping 26 cards, wohooo

    college has been a mixed bag this semester, which is surprisingly better than i expected.

    progress in the set has been slow for obvious reasons (another college joke, im so original xd), but to be transparent about how its going, right now standing at 97 cards, neutral cards almost finished, Rogue and Warlock are done, Mage only needs the legendaries, Priest needs one rare and the leggies, and the rest are halfways done, Paladin is being somewhat of a struggle, so I expect that to be the last class to be finished before working on the mini-set

    but yea whew this is kinda exhausting

    EDIT: Sorry I forgot about 1pic

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    new update, 14 new cards, dont have much to mention but here is new update!
    includes a change to Brass Walker, going from a 6/6 to a 4/4 with Taunt and Divine Shield

    Next I'll focus on the class legendaries, which have been surprisingly lacking in numbers.

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    new update new cards that I should've posted a while ago
    however there's also an important update because of the March of the Lich King, new class meaning that there will be more cards as im making a hearthstone year for it

    these were made before its reveal (about a month ago) so i'll have to change shrieking chord's art for something else

    an an explanation for Kinryu

    And like with Cataclysms, behold a work in progress, these are not final but compose the main idea(s) that I want to make for this set, with the Death Knight beign assigned the Blues as a music theme, tragedy and death can only be properly enunciated by those who live through it.

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    update moment, with half of death knight here
    had to use another emblem for the class because runes dont work in the old version

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    okay its been a long time but the orchestra has been fully assembled and finished!

    that is, the cards, they're finished and made, I still haven't updated this and should be updating this soon enough, expect it to be updated with all the cards and updates by at most December 15th.


    Now I got exams and they're rough but at last I will no longer feel pressured to finish this one before the year ends, now remembering to update this is another thing lmao

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    God, okay, finally I am finished moving all the stuff here.

    Therefore, another set finished! (Til the mini-set comes which should be relatively soon)

    ...I am way too tired to give another comment its almost 3 am lol

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    okay sorry for not updating in a longass time, kek, still working on other things, but here we go

    lets all give a warm welcome to The Talent Show! And with production value, comes a special reveal video! Turn on those cameras!

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    And in case you missed it, the reveals!

    This will be shortly followed by a few more reveals that happened back at the custom hearthstone discord server.

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    And as promised, follow the class reveals! Back at CHS discord! Not all of them though, it's not finished yet, but a good half of it is.

    Also, following the release of March of the Lich King, the following cards will be changed:

    Hypemascot Zyltoid will become Demon/Beast. (Previously Beast)
    Ghostwriter will gain the Undead tribe.
    Fungal Contrafact will gain the Undead Tribe.
    Tom Phan of the Opera will gain the Undead tribe.
    Baron of Bakerscrop will gain the Undead tribe.
    Barbershop Crow will become Undead/Beast. (Previously Beast)
    Drumbeater Beetle will become Mech/Beast. (Previously Beast)
    Retired Music Star will gain the Undead tribe.
    Fame Hoarder will gain the Undead tribe.
    Pushy Backup will gain the Undead tribe.

    Also, changes coming soon to the following cards:

    Blightbeak Kin
    Striped Songbird
    King Momo
    Writer's Block
    Noire Enthusiast
    Key Synchronizer
    Marylou, Bebop's Call
    The Slick Dash Turn
    Big Iron
    Dragonchord Trainer

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Alright, I don't have time to change the cards yet because with the announcement of Return to Naxxramas, multi-rune cards have also been introduced, and as such, a few cards will also change, but for now, patch notes, no images, however

    a lot of patch notes, some that even weren't mentioned in the changes post earlier.

    Death Knight
    Antisocial Reject: U --> UB
    Soulscribe: UU --> UB
    Coordinated Conducting: BB --> B
    Freeform Interpeter: None --> UBF
    Blightbeak Kin: Destroy all otherfriendly minions. Future Frail Ghouls and Corpses you raise summon them, cycling from left to right. --> Destroy all other friendly minions. Your cards that summon minions will summon them instead, cycling from left to right.
    Striped Songbird: Restore 3 Health to your minions and your Hero --> Restore 3 Health to all friendly characters. (Wording change, functionally the same.)
    King Momo: For the rest of the game, the first spell you cast each turn will be cast on all other characters on that side. --> The next spell you cast costs (3) less and will be cast on all other characters on that side.
    Writer's Block: OVERHAUL --> 0 Mana Shadow Spell; The next spell your opponent casts next turn costs (1) more. (Improved by Spell Damage)
    Forced Resonance: 2-Cost Metal Clang --> 1-Cost Metal Clang
    Noire Enthusiast: If it already is, it can't be seen while Stealthed --> If it already is, it remains in Stealth the first time it loses it.
    Marylou, Bebop's Call: Your opponent can't see your minions while they're Stealthed and the turn after losing Stealth. --> Your minions with Stealth keep Stealth the first time they lose it.
    Key Synchronizer: 2/2 --> 2/3
    Almighty Gong: Give Divine Shield and +1/+1 --> Give Divine Shield and +1 Health.
    The Slick Dash Turn: Deal 6 damage randomly split amongst all enemy minions. --> Deal 4 damage randomly split amongst all enemy minions.
    Opera Mistress: 6 mana 4/7. Elusive. Score (0-5 Cost, +5 Cost): Give a random friendly minion +3/+3. --> 5 mana 4/6. Elusive. Score (0-5 Cost, +5 Cost): Give a random friendly minion +3/+3 and Elusive.
    Big Iron: Gains the Fire Spell School.
    Stretching Welcome: 8/2 --> 7/2
    Everlife Mourner: 2/3 --> 2/2
    Contracted Luthier: Give a minion +1/+1 for each spell school you cast this game. --> Give a minion  +1/+1. Repeat for each spell school you cast this game.
    Sound Amplifier: Not Elusive --> Now Elusive.
    Dragonchord Trainer: 2-Cost Whelp --> 3-Cost Whelp
    Green Tea Assistant: 3/5 --> 3/6

    The Talent Show (Goodwills Mini-Set)
    Prestidigitation: Cast up to 6 Mana of copies of spells from your hand at enemies. --> Cast up to 6 Mana of copies of spells from your hand at enemies. (Except this.)
    Three-Act Structure: Discover two spells --> Discover three spells.
    Woodway Performer: The first time you target an enemy opposite this each turn with a spell, deal 4 damage to them. --> The first time each turn your spells or effects target an enemy opposite this, deal 4 damage to them.

    These are on top of the type changes that will be done, plus the remaining part of the mini-set, so this will take a while to update, sorry :(

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

  • LarryMoments's Avatar
    Design Finalist 340 83 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    haha WHOOPS

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"

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