All-Star Squad

Spiders and Portals have had their chance, now you choose! Pick one card for your deck, and you will get 22 copies of it plus 8 random class cards!

How It Works

  • Choose a class and build a one-card deck - you'll get 22 copies of your selected card and 8 random cards.
    • Random cards can be minions, spells, or weapons from your selected class.

Hot Decks for All-Star Squad

When We've Seen All-Star Squad

Week Started Ended Reward
Week #70 Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Saturday, October 15, 2016 1x Classic Pack
Week #107 Tuesday, June 27, 2017 Saturday, July 01, 2017 1x Classic Pack
Week #243 Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Wednesday, February 12, 2020 1x Classic Pack
Week #295 Wednesday, February 03, 2021 Wednesday, February 10, 2021 1x Classic Pack
Week #326 Wednesday, September 08, 2021 Wednesday, September 15, 2021 1x Year of the Phoenix Pack
Week #410 Wednesday, April 19, 2023 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 1x Standard Pack
Week #369 Wednesday, July 06, 2022 Wednesday, July 13, 2022 1x Standard Pack
Week #350 Wednesday, February 23, 2022 Wednesday, March 02, 2022 1x Year of the Phoenix Pack


  • Caro's Avatar
    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Lightshow was surprisingly good in this brawl. Thought it would be slow at 3 mana but the damage ramps up pretty quickly by turn 6 where you can cast 2 of them.

  • SpookySpooky's Avatar
    465 20 Posts Joined 04/21/2021
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Actually enjoyed the brawl this year with Palm Reading

    It can usually find silence for pogos or value answers for just about everything else.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    So, since Brawl rewarded us with Standard Pack, we can actually hoard this to get more cards from the newest expansions right.

    I mean, 4 packs x4 months is quite good if you lack cards.

  • OlorynEx's Avatar
    165 13 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Nerub'ar Weblord was doing pretty great work of PogoRogues. If you manage to go 2nd with Coin, it's a complete shutout from the start.

  • Rawls's Avatar
    205 25 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Apparently, you can put Prince Renathal in your deck - and his effect works. Most likely a disadvantage, but interesting nonetheless

  • Thraxus's Avatar
    1060 339 Posts Joined 05/08/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    To anyone who has an issue with all the Pogo Hoppers. Earth Shock is your answer, shitty against other decks but shuts Pogos down completely

    • MurlocAggroB's Avatar
      COMMENT_COUNT_900_HS 1170 922 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
      Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

      Earth Shock is not a good counter, because you have no way to win the game other than getting lucky with the 10 rando cards. As soon as they topdeck a Pogo and you don't topdeck an Earth Shock, you lose.

      The best counter is Varden Dawngrasp. You freeze their board every turn and establish a bunch of 3/3s to quickly end the game.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Got my pack with Schooling this time around.

  • Nevin's Avatar
    525 393 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Ha ha. Why is my "all Nozdormu" deck listed in the hot options for this brawl? I don't know whether that was hand-picked or chosen by an algorithm, and I'm not sure which option would be funnier.

    As the proud creator of this deck, I think I have the authority to say that you should absolutely NOT play any game with 22 copies of Nozdormu.

    Update: I just got an achievement for having 1000 views of my deck.

    • Trimutius's Avatar
      1580 2533 Posts Joined 03/16/2019
      Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

      Because it is the only one not from 2 years ago

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1734 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Another “one and done” brawl for me this week.  Can’t wait for new and interesting brawls.

  • TheLastCardInYourDeck's Avatar
    165 10 Posts Joined 04/17/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I faced a DH with Mana Burn... No idea what his plan was.

    • Trimutius's Avatar
      1580 2533 Posts Joined 03/16/2019
      Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

      Mana burn and chip you down with hero powers

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Ah yes, one of the worse brawls.

    Just ban pogos team5. Makes life easier for all of us.

  • ShinRyuuken's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 715 55 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Nerub'ar Weblord for lols
    Of course when I start with it, I face no Pogo Rogues.

  • acidfwd's Avatar
    20 2 Posts Joined 02/23/2022
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Stop pogohopping, you miserable minors. It's just bloody annoying. Try to be creative.

  • disruptor108's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 330 7 Posts Joined 10/10/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Varden Dawngrasp easily beats Pogos

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1734 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Trying Garrote out again this time.  Struggling to get a win against some interesting choices.  Eventually got handed a win!  Guessing the opponent just saw Rogue and auto-conceded expecting to see robo bunnies from me

  • Unreal89's Avatar
    400 174 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    I admit my sins, I played 2 Pogo-Hopper games (EU and NA) but only just to get a pack ASAP. Don't know why they still didn't bother to ban it.

    There are many fun options, I played Dragon's Hoard... but my opponent decided to go with Shiv :D

    Didn't last very long, my minions overwhelmed him.

    Shiv does not seem bad, until you realize that you get 22 copies of chosen card... Don't try this at home, unless you want to try to pinch someone to death :D

  • MurlocAggroB's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_900_HS 1170 922 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Just ban Pogo-hopper.

    If you're gonna repeat this brawl 88 times a year, at least make it so that people can experiment. It's soooooo fuckin' boring just playing the Pogo brawl.


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