TITANS Hype Thread
The new Hearthstone expansion is upon us, and unless I'm missing it I didn't find another thread to discuss what decks we are the most hyped for.
So, what legendaries do you hope to unpack?
What cards do you want to try out?
What class do you predict becoming the new meta tyrant?
Personally I'm very happy to see Warrior get Odyn, Prime Designate and I'm curious to see how much armor I can get in a single turn to abuse his power. Also it's kinda funny to me that after 5 years they still managed to dodge giving Odd Warrior a win condition.
Outside of Warrior I want to try the new Plague archetype for DK, that in my opinion has a lot of potential since with enough Frost Plagues you can technically shut down your opponent for good.
I'm curious to see what the rest of the community has to say about this expansion as a whole outside of the card-related threads.
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The new Hearthstone expansion is upon us, and unless I'm missing it I didn't find another thread to discuss what decks we are the most hyped for.
So, what legendaries do you hope to unpack?
What cards do you want to try out?
What class do you predict becoming the new meta tyrant?
Personally I'm very happy to see Warrior get Odyn, Prime Designate and I'm curious to see how much armor I can get in a single turn to abuse his power. Also it's kinda funny to me that after 5 years they still managed to dodge giving Odd Warrior a win condition.
Outside of Warrior I want to try the new Plague archetype for DK, that in my opinion has a lot of potential since with enough Frost Plagues you can technically shut down your opponent for good.
I'm curious to see what the rest of the community has to say about this expansion as a whole outside of the card-related threads.
I quit the game just before the reveals began, and I'm confident I made the right decision. That being said, the Death Knight's plagues, Shaman's Golganneth, the Thunderer, and the Warrior's Odyn, Prime Designate are definitely concepts that would appeal to me.
It's nice to see some hype and hopefully this will bump the thread!
I mainly play off-meta Hunter brews and am not sure the Titans class cards will move the needle much for me personally...other than throwing Aggramar, the Avenger in everything to start the season, haha. However, they've given us a lot of tools lately (e.g., Hollow Hound, Star Power) so I'm happy that fans of Face Hunter and secret synergies got some love.
The archetype I'm most looking forward to trying is Mechrattle Hunter with Ravenous Kraken (+ Yelling Yodeler, Defense Attorney Nathanos) triggering discounted Containment Units, Mecha-Leaper, and the classic Mothership. Flame Behemoth also looks like a fun card for that deck.
In terms of Neutrals, the cards I'm most hyped for are:
May Yogg be with you all for all of your pack openings!
I have an idea for Hunter myself, albeit for the Wild format.
Basically I want to use the powerful effects of Aggramar, the Avenger in combo with the infinite value of Stormhammer, sadly there's a bit of antisynergy but it can easily be circumvented by playing the weapon after the battlecry of the Titan resolves.
Given Stormhammer's dependancy on dragons I get to try the new cards you mentioned (Starlight Whelp, Time-Lost Protodrake) and I also get an excuse to put the old greed card Kazakusan in it. Maybe later I'll create an actual decklist on the website for everyone to try out.
I am way too exited I think.
I won't be able to do this during this expansion cycle if I get unlucky, but I really want to try every Titan. I really love their design. Even if some are more usable than others. Having opened my 9 free packs, I got the rogue one so that is one less to worry about.
Then I want to try plagues with Helya, also Jotun, the Eternal, Odyn, Prime Designate (love "For the rest of the game" effects and how they wrap the whole match)
Algalon the Observer (because new Hero Power, see "rest of the game") and Flame Behemoth(Really enjoyed Magnetic during Boomsday and I think this will stick on me)
And for last, Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron. He seems cool and able to help a new control warlock (wich I love) to work.
About a new meta tyrant I hope Death Knight and Warrior do not become that so they do not get nerfed. Really like what they are going for this expansion. But I can't make any prediction right now. I think lots of cards have great potential.
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