Showdown in the Badlands Tavern Crawl

Welcome to the Showdown in the Badlands Tavern Crawl!

You and your fellow Out of Games Tavern Patrons will be going on an adventure across the site to engage in festivies related to the Hearthstone expansion to earn new on-site cosmetics!

This is a limited-time feature on the site. Everything goes away when Showdown in the Badlands launches!

Explorers - Card Voting

Contribute to the community compendium by rating all of the Showdown in the Badlands cards!

Below is your current progression. If you need to vote on cards still, head on over to the Showdown in the Badlands Guide!

/ 1 Votes
Rewards: Package
Title: Kobold Miner
/ 40 Votes
Rewards: Package
Title: Arid Explorer
/ 80 Votes
Rewards: Package
Title: Desolate Surveyor
/ 120 Votes
Rewards: Package
Title: Badlands Adventurer

Scholars - Card Discussion

Put your thoughts on display for the whole community by engaging in discussion on all the new cards. You will unlock new site cosmetics as you leave your thoughts on each card discussion thread found on our forums.

Below is your current progression and cards that you still have yet to comment on.

Rewards: Package
Title: Dehydrated
Rewards: Package
Title: Messenger Buzzard
Rewards: Package
Title: Blastmage Miner
Rewards: Package
Title: Dustbelcher
Rewards: Package
Title: Sheriff Barrelbrim
Rewards: Package
Title: Badlands Savior

Login to see which threads you need to comment on.

Devoted - The Truly Dedicated

The best among us complete their voting and discussion tasks in the Tavern Crawl and are rewarded for it!

/ 145 Votes
Rewards: Achievement
Devoted Badlands Deputy


  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Can I just say, I love how steady the reveals have been. Getting a handful of cards each day has made it easy to keep up with voting and commenting, as well as just processing the feel of the set and my expectations for the upcoming meta. In the past, there's usually been a huge card dump of the last 40 or 50 cards, which was overwhelming to me. This is way better!

    • Fluxflashor's Avatar
      CEO 2015 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
      Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

      Yeah, that final dump was absolute chaos. I had been asking Blizzard for some time to just starting doing stuff with the "throwaway" cards and they finally did. It's also so much better to do them by class and more importantly, multiple at a time. Being around for every single individual card reveal was tough and it destroyed sleeping schedules.

      I would regularly get sick for 2-4 days after a card reveal period ended because I would torture myself with being around for every reveal. That three times a year was not fun.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Good luck everyone! Make sure you let your friends know they can come rate the cards at the very least so it will improve our overall rankings!


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