Cora Shares Development Details About the Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set

Submitted 7 months, 2 weeks ago by

Cora has shared a few fun things about the new mini-set!

Quote From Cora

Few tidbits I can remember about this Mini-Set:

1. Gigantify is the reverse of Miniaturize, which meant we had to adjust our design philosophy. Instead of repetitive effects that are strong because they're cheap, we leaned into effects that are more exciting on a bigger minion.

2. The set was supposed to be named "Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions (of Fun!)." We were asked to cut the "(of Fun!)" for length concerns.

3. We referred to the mini-set internally as "Misfit Toys" at the beginning, and the design ID on each card is MIS_ for that reason.

4. We considered giving Toyrantus a blank textbox for the memes. /s

5. I believe the keyword Gigantify/Gigantic was originally suggested internally as a joke, and we kind of ran with it. We don't usually introduce a new keyword in a mini-set, but this one made sense.

6. There is one specific art piece in this mini-set that is a continuation of the story of an art piece in the main set, and it's kind of messed up. I don't know who wrote the description, but they must have been going through it that day.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    I think it's great that Cora has been willing to share fun little behind the scenes bits for Hearthstone and hope it continues. I'm really wondering what art in the mini-set is a continuation of a story though and it's "messed up".

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