No new daily quest!

Submitted 7 months, 2 weeks ago by

Anyone else have this problem? Just logged in, haven't played since yesterday, but no new daily quest. WTF?

  • DoctorWaz's Avatar
    130 17 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    My Daily turned up (NA server).

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Something is definitely wrong with the quests since the latest patch indeed, but in a positive way for me (EU server).

    Wednesday night I had a chain of 2 quests and I already thought that was kinda weird. Last night, I completed a chain of 7 quests. By the way, I do not think those numbers are fixed, I was simply hampered by my speed of completing them one after another within the timeframe in which the quest issue occurs. Tonight, I will try to optimize my speedrun even further and see how many I can complete.

    I believe this is somehow related to the other issue I am experiencing which is also odd. Every time I log in, the Hearthstone mobile app tries to download the High Quality images database again. I imagine that it also resets the parameter which remembers whether or not I already received the new quest of the current day as well. Simple mistake in the code, but I cannot complain because this time it is finally benificial to me.

    EDIT: They fixed the issue, I guess it was nice for me while it lasted, oh well.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Update: yes, they "fixed" it, in the sense that I am now getting daily quests again. But I have not received any compensation for the lost value, nor a response to the help ticket I opened 2 days ago.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    Finally got a response to my ticket: essentially, "yes we identified the issue and fixed it, so you're all set now". Except I didn't receive any compensation for the missed quest. 

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    I feel for ya! Of course you and all others affected should get some sort of compensation. It should have been the bare minimum reaction of handling the situation by Blizzard.

    Honest question, did you really expect more than the response you got? I did not. 

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    I actually did expect more! Sure, they've made some serious fumbles in treating their customers well, but in the past, when there was a mistake of this sort, they made a public comment about it, then compensated people within a reasonable time frame without the need for a help ticket. This is very disappointing!

    To push a little further, the fact that some people apparently got extra quests makes it feel even more unfair. I personally think everyone who missed a quest, or those didn't have anything unusual happen, should get XP equal to an average of what people made off their extra quests.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    I could not agree more and I hope some compensation will still happen down the road. The ongoing latest downwards trend just does not bode well for all of us Hearthstone players.

    IMHO, they have to seriously up their A-game regarding player retention.

    The only possible positive take I might see here is that this quest issue perhaps has something to do with them trying to change how quests will function and hopefully for the better.  

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    At least they fixed yours, I still don't have my weekly quests and game says wait for 6 more days...

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    Whoa, that's terrible! Did you do a help ticket?

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    Got a new response. They're not going to give me shit. They literally admitted there was a mistake that cost me a quest, and they're not going to compensate me. 

    I'm already fully F2P, so I don't know how I can respond to this.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
    Supporter 2035 1411 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
    Posted 7 months, 1 week ago

    Whoa, that is really unnecessarily harsh. Admitting to a mistake on their end and doubling down on not giving a compensation for it is just another slap in the face. You were supposed to get those XP points anyways by completing the missed quests. Now they "robbed" you from that XP and they insult you by not compensating.

    Also, seems very silly to not owning up to their mistake. Increasing a few numbers in the database is not difficult at all. I mean, at least fix it for the few assertive players who care enough to write a ticket. Missed opportunity to regain some player positivity IMO.

    What can you do? Depending on which game master you talk to the outcome can be very different. I know through past personal experience. Years ago, I initially did not receive two cardbacks even though I attended the HS World Championships event that year which was part of the requirement. The first two ticket responders were not helpful at all and their responses were basically stating I was trying to claim something I was not entitled to. It took me several tries (reopening the ticket and pleading my case over and over again) and finally the third game master was forthcoming and solved the problem. Thinking back about this, it still bothers me how those early conversations went down. I am not even kidding when I say that my frustration was so high that my blood was boiling. The world felt really unfair at that point. It really should not depend on which person is on the other side what the resolution will be. Okay, ranting over ^_^

    As for your situation, perhaps try reaching out to RidiculousHat on the Hearthstone Reddit? Currently, he seems like the most reachable and helpful person with his heart of gold at the right place.

    Sidenote: since in the long past they seemed to care about their customers/players more, how are we feeling now about the acquisition by Microsoft?

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 7 months ago

    I've gone back and forth with the "Game Masters" several times now, and they keep feeding me the same BS: Game Masters cannot provide compensation. Developers can issue compensation but only for bugs that affect 100% of players to keep it fair. Tell me what's fair about this?

    Furthermore, the last message included this gem: "Please note that we consider this matter final and any new tickets regarding this might lead to disciplinary actions on your account."

    They are threatening me with disciplinary actions for complaining that I've been cheated in-game!

    I need my OutofGames community to weigh in on this. I only missed one quest, so I realize that is a small amount of XP. But on PRINCIPLE this is wrong. Plus, read Almaniarra's comment above: no quests for over a week, and I don't know if that has been resolved either. Meanwhile, NebuchadnezzarHS got EXTRA quests (no hate to you, friend, just pointing out the inequity). My tin foil hat suggests that they docked quests for F2P players while granting bonus quests to those who pay. Maybe some people can chime in on this?

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

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