The new cards from SoU make for some pretty fun aggressive and midrange builds with the Old Quest

Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by

Embalming Ritual Card Image Wretched Reclaimer Card Image Psychopomp Card Image

These three cards in particular enable some fun deathrattle abusing shenanigans.  Giving your cheap deathrattles like Dead Ringer reborn lets you complete the quest really easily and double up on the deathrattle effects without relying entirely on Twilight's CallWretched Reclaimer is basically Terrorscale Stalker for priest, but even better since it puts more copies of the deathrattle minion in your rez pool for Twilight's Call and Psychopomp, you can use it on a Reborn deathrattle like Grandmummy to summon 2 copies of the minion (and you can even use it on the non-reborn half of Grandmummy to bring it back with Reborn again.) and you can use it on 1/1 copies from Mirage Caller and Twilight's Call!

I had quite a bit of laughs memeing around with a SMOrc Quest Priest yesterday that just kills the opponent by summoning obscene amounts of Leper Gnomes and Kobold Sandtroopers even if the deck auto-losses to any kind of healing or armor gain.

A midrange build with stuff like Nerubian Egg and Carnivorous Cube was doing much better for me with a similar level of fun too.

Even though Awaken the Makers normally promotes a control playstyle, it kinda works quite well for a midrange deck since you can complete the quest really fast and just use Amara, Warden of Hope as a 5 mana 8/8 Taunt for some big tempo and maybe cube it later.

  • Watermelon86's Avatar
    Magma Rager 475 207 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Embalming Ritual Card Image Wretched Reclaimer Card Image Psychopomp Card Image

    These three cards in particular enable some fun deathrattle abusing shenanigans.  Giving your cheap deathrattles like Dead Ringer reborn lets you complete the quest really easily and double up on the deathrattle effects without relying entirely on Twilight's CallWretched Reclaimer is basically Terrorscale Stalker for priest, but even better since it puts more copies of the deathrattle minion in your rez pool for Twilight's Call and Psychopomp, you can use it on a Reborn deathrattle like Grandmummy to summon 2 copies of the minion (and you can even use it on the non-reborn half of Grandmummy to bring it back with Reborn again.) and you can use it on 1/1 copies from Mirage Caller and Twilight's Call!

    I had quite a bit of laughs memeing around with a SMOrc Quest Priest yesterday that just kills the opponent by summoning obscene amounts of Leper Gnomes and Kobold Sandtroopers even if the deck auto-losses to any kind of healing or armor gain.

    A midrange build with stuff like Nerubian Egg and Carnivorous Cube was doing much better for me with a similar level of fun too.

    Even though Awaken the Makers normally promotes a control playstyle, it kinda works quite well for a midrange deck since you can complete the quest really fast and just use Amara, Warden of Hope as a 5 mana 8/8 Taunt for some big tempo and maybe cube it later.

    Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.

  • zoobernut's Avatar
    Swamp 255 137 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Those look like some fun decks. Is [Hearthstone Card (Sylvanas Windrunner) Not Found] too slow for either deck? I would love to give her reborn. Could help swing the board in your favor. 

    Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done. 

    Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!

  • Watermelon86's Avatar
    Magma Rager 475 207 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From zoobernut

    Those look like some fun decks. Is Sylvanas Windrunner too slow for either deck? I would love to give her reborn. Could help swing the board in your favor. 

    Maybe in the midrange one.  I had considered her when building it, but the lack of immediate deathrattle triggers make her rather slow.

    Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.

  • zoobernut's Avatar
    Swamp 255 137 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Watermelon86
    Quote From zoobernut

    Those look like some fun decks. Is Sylvanas Windrunner too slow for either deck? I would love to give her reborn. Could help swing the board in your favor. 

    Maybe in the midrange one.  I had considered her when building it, but the lack of immediate deathrattle triggers make her rather slow.

    Yeah looking back I can't see how she would fit into the faster deck. Should fit into the midrange deck nicely though since she is a decent body on the board that your opponent has to play around. Plus there are ways to duplicate her or trigger her deathrattle in the deck.

    Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done. 

    Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!

  • FieselFitz's Avatar
    Prince Charming 1105 1355 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Looks decent - saw a Priest OTK Combo using Wretched Reclaimer with Leeroy Jenkins - not sure about the other combo pieces but he hit face like 5 or 6 times - alltough this was in standard!

    In Wild there could be way more crazy options!

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