Classic Expansion

Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by

I got an email from Blizzard trying to entice me to dust off my classic character in WoW by instantly leveling it up to 100. Which, may work for most, but for me not so much.  I'd rather live in the nostalgia of when I was in my 20's drinking beer, raiding like BWL/AQ crazy. Then I got another email about the classic only server getting ready to open up. I almost took the hook, but then I realized I am married with 4 kids, and I couldn't delicate the endless grinding hours for it. haha

Those email did bring me to a crossroads in my brain. I was stuck thinking about the endless hours of vanilla, and my 7 - 10 minute Hearthstone matches I try to squeeze in when I can.

I started to wonder what good expansions they could bring to Hearthstone from the vanilla days.

Here are my top 3:

First one that came to me was Dire Maul for some reason. An Orge Expansion would be fun, could also tie in to the ruined night elf city.

Second  was Darkmoon Faire. I'm kind of surprised this hasn't been done yet. That place was always fascinating to me. Travelling band of gypsies peddling their wares.

Third would be an Alterac Valley type of deal. That place was a crazy pvp. Totally fluid, and a pvp holyland. I remember epic battles outside of Tarren Mill which isn't to far from the zone for pvp queue as well.





  • Spookshow's Avatar
    Mountain 195 17 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I got an email from Blizzard trying to entice me to dust off my classic character in WoW by instantly leveling it up to 100. Which, may work for most, but for me not so much.  I'd rather live in the nostalgia of when I was in my 20's drinking beer, raiding like BWL/AQ crazy. Then I got another email about the classic only server getting ready to open up. I almost took the hook, but then I realized I am married with 4 kids, and I couldn't delicate the endless grinding hours for it. haha

    Those email did bring me to a crossroads in my brain. I was stuck thinking about the endless hours of vanilla, and my 7 - 10 minute Hearthstone matches I try to squeeze in when I can.

    I started to wonder what good expansions they could bring to Hearthstone from the vanilla days.

    Here are my top 3:

    First one that came to me was Dire Maul for some reason. An Orge Expansion would be fun, could also tie in to the ruined night elf city.

    Second  was Darkmoon Faire. I'm kind of surprised this hasn't been done yet. That place was always fascinating to me. Travelling band of gypsies peddling their wares.

    Third would be an Alterac Valley type of deal. That place was a crazy pvp. Totally fluid, and a pvp holyland. I remember epic battles outside of Tarren Mill which isn't to far from the zone for pvp queue as well.





  • forgloryus's Avatar
    Design Finalist 305 87 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Still would love to see an Western / Eastern Plaguelands with Stratholme and Scarlet Crusade cards.

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I stopped playing WoW long ago and settled down to have a family. Recently, my oldest has resparked my interest in WoW so we started playin, here and there (maybe 20 hours over last 3 months). I find it fun to introduce him to the world as he already plays Hearthstone with me.

    I also miss much of the original content that Vanilla WoW had to offer, including the Quest chain for things like the Blade of Quel’Serrar. Which involved both Dire Maul, and Onyxia. I love Hearthstone mostly for its WoW lore, and the more they get away from the wealth of that lore the less inclined I am to spend money or even play. I understand it’s easier creating new content, but that’s not why I started, and likely not why I would stay.


    Dire Maul with Ogre expansion would be amazing. 

    Darkmoon faire has some fun flavor for a card game.

    Alterac valley could make for a cool brawl concept.

    While not my favorite Scarlet Crusade could make for a good expansion. 

    Lastly, HS expansions in my opinion do not need to tie together in HS lore.



    anyone remember Arathi Highlands? Random thought

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    King Gordok would make for a great expansion piece along with other Ogres.

    Quel'Serrar Quest line (Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying) could make for a great Warrior Quest. Something like Gain X Armor which then summons Onyxia for your opponent. This Onyxia could have deathratfle: give you opponent blade of Quel’Serrar.


    loved that Quest chain/blad

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    there was the Nax playable adventure

  • Lightspoon's Avatar
    Merfolk 495 405 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    So many good memories about Vanilla but, as Spookshow as already said, I don't have the time anymore to play it properly.

    I would love an old HS Adventure about Scarlet Monastery, with its three wings just like the in-game istance and iconic boss fight (like Herod). But probably all of the level 60 istances of Vanilla would be an excellent themed-expansion set for HS.

    "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"

  • HighVoltagez's Avatar
    310 81 Posts Joined 07/23/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Yep agree Expansions based on Dire maul, Scholomance and Strathholme would be amazing

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