Quest shaman deck

Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by

Hey, as a shaman main I'd like to try his quest, so here's my take on it:

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I included 22 battlecry minions, the very best, all of them but 2 ("draw card") work with quest reward, and 17 of them work well with Shudderwock (only "deal 3/4 damage" isn't guaranteed to work as intended); Hagatha and Lynchen are of especially high potential. No hero Hagatha as she will overwrite quest reward. Deck is completed by best removal + Mutate x2 since it's quite good for some understated battlecry minions.

How do you like it? any feedback much appreciated! :>

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Hey, as a shaman main I'd like to try his quest, so here's my take on it:

    Deck ID Not Found

    I included 22 battlecry minions, the very best, all of them but 2 ("draw card") work with quest reward, and 17 of them work well with Shudderwock (only "deal 3/4 damage" isn't guaranteed to work as intended); Hagatha and Lynchen are of especially high potential. No hero Hagatha as she will overwrite quest reward. Deck is completed by best removal + Mutate x2 since it's quite good for some understated battlecry minions.

    How do you like it? any feedback much appreciated! :>

  • Mercynary9's Avatar
    355 239 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I feel Corrupt the Waters can be completed before turn 7. During that turn, Questing Explorer becomes a vanilla minion.

    I would remove 1 Questing explorer and add something else. Perhaps a Mana Tide Totem since you will likely to gain board control from lackeys and the continuous drawing effect sounds neat, or if you're looking for something else, maybe EVIL Totem?

    I'm skeptical about Lifedrinkers too since the battlecry effect and weak body effect feels weaker in the standard format unless I'm wrong.

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for reply.

    As far as Questing explorer is concerned - she fits perfectly when drawn early, it's something to try out how consistent it will be in this deck. Perhaps the early game will be best with just lakeys + sandstorm ele, and EVIL Totem will be indeed better, I think it's quite likely, gonna swap it.

    Lifedrinkers should be quite good with battlecry doubled and Shudderwock, also a good target for mutate, I see them in most quest lists. On curve they are weak, I agree.

    But, while it's not very hard to find best battlecry minions, I'm mainly unsure about what spells to include, I'm pretty sure about Mutates and Hexes, not sure about aoes - Lightning Storm/ Hagathas Scheme/Earthquake? Also Earthshock and Blazing Invocation comes to mind as good picks.

  • Mercynary9's Avatar
    355 239 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I think a card draw is very important. Just like I said, 1 Questing Explorer and 1 Mana Tide Totem should be okay in the deck.

    I don't know if I missed out a lot in the meta days, but I'm sure 2x of Earth Shock is a bit a lot... Maybe 1 is enough? 

    And you might be right, we need some spells. Maybe try out Earthquake like you said if we need a come back for the board control, but since this is entirely minions-based deck, I can't be sure that would fit in or not. The rest of other shaman spells are so situational... I was hoping shaman would get good midrange spells in this expansion, not killing your own minions. Least we have good lackeys and its support for controlling early game.

    EDIT: Thinking about Fire Elemental and Elementary Reaction together, but Weaponized Wasp and Lifedrinker does better in terms of cheap minions with good battlecries.

    EDIT 2: Lightning Storm seems to be the only choice to try it out. We have so many good early game minions with lackeys, so we should have no problem with overload.

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    As far as aoe goes - clearing both sides of board doesn't seem that good here, so Lightning Storm + Sandstorm Ele will be a keep.

    Earth shock x2 - I was thinking about reborn minions - they won't come back, but maybe 1 copy should do.

    Indeed 0 card draw is a miss, options here: Mana Tide Totem, BM Thalnos (shaman classic), Questing Explorer, Witchwood Piper (battlecry that can be doubled), Jepetto Joybuzz (saw him in quite a few lists). Two of these with Harrison should be ok, question is which ones and what to replace? Earthshock x1 and Gigling Inventor maybe (perhaps no need for this kind of stall)?

  • Mercynary9's Avatar
    355 239 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Because we have shaman quest and lackey-based deck, I'll try to find cards that has good synergy with them.

    Jepetto Joybuzz is a decent card, but I choose not to add it as he doesn't make shaman's quest hero power and lackeys better. Maybe the stat body may helpful, but we will see if we need him.

    One Witchwood Piper is good to get decent early game minions. I rarely play that card in shaman decks, but I think this time it's going be great, having a 3/3 body and getting more lackey cards, much better than mana totem. 1x Questing explorer will definitely find a spot in the deck. Removing Giggling Inventor is a good idea, I think lackey might not need defensive playstyle.

    One thing for this deck to consider it final: Maybe a bit too much of early game minions, but we will try out and test the strength of new cards.

     I've been playing shaman for a long time and I started to think of start playing another class this time around. Definitely will still playing shaman on the beginning day of the new expansion.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I would remove EVIL totem. it is the worst lackey generator in the entire game. unless you are very desperate for lackeys than I would not include it.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • Mercynary9's Avatar
    355 239 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds

    I would remove EVIL totem. it is the worst lackey generator in the entire game. unless you are very desperate for lackeys than I would not include it.

    It does fill what Weaponized Wasp requirement need, 4 lackey generators aren't going to satisfies this best early game beast we have.

    I was considering that too, as well if rogue and hunter are going to be popular, but the wasp's need changed my mind.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Mercynary9
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds

    I would remove EVIL totem. it is the worst lackey generator in the entire game. unless you are very desperate for lackeys than I would not include it.

    It does fill what Weaponized Wasp requirement need, 4 lackey generators aren't going to satisfies this best early game beast we have.

    I was considering that too, as well if rogue and hunter are going to be popular, but the wasp's need changed my mind.

    I can see that. but the totem is very slow, I think that 4 lackey generators is enough if you are willing to save one of them. if you have twice as many lackey generators as you do wasps than most of the time you should be able to get a lackey before the wasp. it is just a matter of not playing the lackey. EVIL totem just does not fit into any kind of tempo deck, and it is in tempo and aggro decks where lackeys are the most useful.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • Mercynary9's Avatar
    355 239 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds
    Quote From Mercynary9
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds

    I would remove EVIL totem. it is the worst lackey generator in the entire game. unless you are very desperate for lackeys than I would not include it.

    It does fill what Weaponized Wasp requirement need, 4 lackey generators aren't going to satisfies this best early game beast we have.

    I was considering that too, as well if rogue and hunter are going to be popular, but the wasp's need changed my mind.

    I can see that. but the totem is very slow, I think that 4 lackey generators is enough if you are willing to save one of them. if you have twice as many lackey generators as you do wasps than most of the time you should be able to get a lackey before the wasp. it is just a matter of not playing the lackey. EVIL totem just does not fit into any kind of tempo deck, and it is in tempo and aggro decks where lackeys are the most useful.

    I totally agree for totem being slow, same weakness applies to many totems.

    I know there were some arguments where you don't need a lot of activators, like dragon priest. But it feels so bad not to have them sometimes. This is why I'm thinking to add EVIL totems.

    I think having one totem should be enough to justify it. Will remove it if completely unneccessary.

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Ok, made following changes:

    -1 Earth Shock

    -1 EVIL Totem

    +1 Witchwood Piper

    +1 Questing Explorer.

    I decided to keep Giggling as it's a super good target to evolve (2xspell+lakey).

    As far as EVIL Totem goes - lakeys are super useful because of the quest, so I think that card may have a home here, it's not only about Wasp.

    I'd like to mention that I saw much more agressive quest lists, with murlocks instead of midrange minions, not sure if that approach will make the quest list better, it seems that midrangy version have best battlecries possible.


  • Mercynary9's Avatar
    355 239 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I think the aggressive version you mentioned could possibly be a rival to this deck because of Underbelly Angler's insane value. It might still won't fit the quest quite nicely, since murlocs won't scale well into the game with battlecry. Oh, and having less battlecries of course...

    The faster we get the quest, the more lackeys will get powerful. Double damage, double discover spell, etc.

    Also, I would like to know what the murloc version looks like.

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I can't find it unfortunately, but it will try to abuse several battlecry murlocs, it shouldn't be much different from RoS murloc shaman list, basically more aggressive battlecries.

    I checked some decks played on stream some day ago at Blizzard and there were two additions worth to consider imo: Brightwing and Twilight Drakes, just wanted to point it out here. 

  • Lambda's Avatar
    390 126 Posts Joined 07/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    The deck idea looks promising, but i would cut the lackey part or, if you insist on them, the control part. Maybe i'm wrong here, but it feels as if the deck trys to be good at everything. Strong decks have a core and get defined by that. At east thats what i believe.


    PS: I wouldn't play Weaponized Wasp with Shudderwock, since it can blow up in your own face (same reason hardly anyone played Fire Elemental with Shudderwock)

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Ok, so few days pased, there can be found pros' versions of decks, quest shaman including:

    Deck ID Not Found

    This list is heavily inspired by the one by Theo, the only change I made was GInventor -> Hagatha the Swamp Queen.

    I noticed that shammy quest decks have been moving towards very low curve, with cards mostly as costly as 4 mana, while it makes sense, since you wanna use hero power every turn and and spend all that value the deck is creating, I don't really like that direction.

    So, above is a diffirent approach (full lackey package for early game is a keep ofc), with 5 strong aoes, Walking Fountains for healing and super valuable cards with quest like Swampqueen, Siamat or Barrista. Of course with Shudderwock and completed by Archivist, a staple in control shaman.

    How do you like it?

  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Deck ID Not Found

    I tried all those version with Siamat, Elysiana, Hagatha etc, but this version gave me the highest winrate (check to guide for more information). Easily climbed to rank 5 the last couple of days :)

  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I've tested my list for several days and it's been performing pretty well, control shell allows to use Hagatha the Swampqueen, which is a powerhouse with the quest. Archivist won me 2 vs control games, it's a good card with such a slow approach, Barista, however feels like a win more card, not that useful. 

    As for your list, it has some really interesting choices with Omega Minds and Arcane Dynamos, I may try some of these as well, tnx for posting.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Archivist is great vs Control Warrior matchups, I agree with that, but tends to be dead in any other matchup barring maybe long mirror games or Quest Paladin games if you get lucky.

    Siamat is great.  It's saved my ass countless times. 8 board clears seems unnecessary though, and honestly I felt that even running 4 board clears (2x Earthquake, 2x Sandstorm Elemental) was too rigid.  I swapped my Earthquakes for Haunting Visions to allow better flexibility.

    I'm currently using my own homebrew version using cards I haven't seen anyone else use and I've been able to increase my winrate to just around 51%.  Not great, but honestly I think thats fine.  There's room for refining though, and I like to think that this early on in the expansion a lot of decklists are still largely unrefined.

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  • AleMental's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Earthquake shakes the board like no other card, I refuse to remove it! + I like to take it really slow for the moment. :> The shaman quest seems a realy good card since it can be build around in many ways.

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