Best Turn 2 Ever
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
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That is one REALLY bad player you were up against. Holy cow. Shame concede right there.
Yeah whatever. Clicked to see an impressive play, but nah, just a pointless jab at a missplay.
That's bad, but we have all done stupid shit every once in a while. The number of times I'm groggily playing my first match of the day, 5 minutes after waking up while having my morning smoke... and do something so ridiculously terrible... misplays happen. We are only human. No need to come on here and pointlessly jab at someone for being a human.
...that's a bad t2
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
Looking at his play that was probably and handicaped person, not nice to make fun of him
..the whole point was to have a good jab..we have all been there.'s more fun than getting triggered
Perhaps "Funniest Turn 2 Ever" would've been more appropriate? I also went into this thread expecting a good play. I get that the current title is meant to be sarcastic, but conveying sarcasm on the internet is very different than doing so in real life where you can hear the speaker's tone of voice.
It's a bit of a shame too. The guy/girl looked like they had a legitimately good idea. They just made a miscalculation in the process.
OK bad misplay. But who knows what real world factors were at play - on phone, rushed play as someone at the door, letting little kid have a go on your account.
If this forum only had HS players who had never made a bad misplay, there wouldn't be many people on it :)
All generalizations are false.
at least he's not playing quest paladin with a spellbreaker and ironbeak owl.
Damn. I'm surprised at how nice most of you are being about the misplay. This community really has grown past Hearthpwn.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
To err is human.
Haha, yeah we've all done things like this before. I would have conceded too xD
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You Rebel. I like you.