Shuffle Shaman Mini-Set
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
Token for Lake Seer
This is my four card mini-set for Shaman that surprisingly revolves around shuffling cards into your deck and gaining benefit from that. It's something that Shaman doesn't have yet in Hearthstone.
- Windshear Mystic gives some protection and shuffling synergy while also adding a nice Battlecry for Shudderwock.
- Elemental Vortex adds value generation in later stages.
- Lake Seer provides much needed synergy for your shuffling cards, providing you even more cards to shuffle, single-target clear and even more value generation.
- Vas'no draws cards you shuffled already while still shuffling copies of them. Useful for further synergy and tutoring some cards you need.
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Token for Lake Seer
This is my four card mini-set for Shaman that surprisingly revolves around shuffling cards into your deck and gaining benefit from that. It's something that Shaman doesn't have yet in Hearthstone.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
These are really cool! I like the concept. One thing I would change though, is the card text of lake seer, as it seems a bit confusing to me currently. Like I'm not sure if you are also shuffling the frog, or if you are shuffling it instead of the card supposed to be shuffled in. I'm leading towards the first option, so I'd add an 'also' in the card text. But overall, cool ideas!
Cool options and graphics. I would use them. From power level the minions seem strong and a good option to extend your library in BC shaman.
The vortex feels like not making the cut in a deck ;-).
I made the text similar to Augmented Elekk, so that might confuse you.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Lake Frog is hilarious
also, it should say "lake frog" instead of just "frog" because the token is called lake fro
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Shortening the name of Lake Frog in Lake Seer's card text was mainly made for aestethic purposes.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
But with Augmented Elekk, you are shuffling in another copy of the same card, not a different one. You can't really make that comparison. Plus, I don't see a reason to not add the 'also' to reduce confusion.
Those cards seem severely underpowered almost freeze shaman level of underpowered you are putting in a lot of efford and mana for little rewards it's a fact most games don't come to fatigue and there is already one card that does the anti fatigue in shaman much better in [Hearthstone Card (archivist elesyanna) Not Found] who already extends the game to the 50 turn limit so shuffling extra cards specially discovered spells and 2/3 taunts and an ok minion that could be played standalone (talking about the frog) are just not worth it, also shuffling cards into ones deck is extreamly overrated in my opinion such cards rarely see play.
The exception is archivist elesyanna cause it shuffles 10 cards and bomb warrior cause it has the tools to make the game long enough for it to matter within the same game plan.
I actually don't think Elysiana will work with my card bundle, because she does not shuffle cards, but replaces your entire deck, which I think is a big difference. And while the cards themselves aren't the best, Lake Seer does add a lot of power to them imo.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
My point is not that archivist elesyana fits into the archtype but that if you want to prolong a game, you can already do that with that card instead of putting so much effort into shuffling cards with little gain.
And I don't think lake seer is any good either the support cards are underpowered and the reward is not that big I would fix it using the following buffs:
WindShear Mystic: costs 6 and the tokens have "battlecry: draw a minion"(to avoid overdrawing too much with Shudderwock), tokens are 3 mana though to make them harder to play. Stone Sentinel was a fair card which is probably better than this one and nobody played that card so yeah...
Elemental vortex: no overload and costs 0 or add "draw a card" to it. 1 mana AND overload for doing nothing?
Lake seer: 3/4 statline.
The frog token: 5/5 at least
Vas'no: costs 6 the effect is too narrow, and only works with those cards
you want to win the game the cards need to be able to cheat tempo with how slow they are..