Tombs of Terror - Fun/Strong runs

Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by

While there has been a few individual threads about single runs, or bosses, we haven't got a general "look at my awesome run", and I feel like it would be fun. So post them here!


I'll start:

I was out to complete Chapter 2 (standard) with Reno after completing it with Finley, and also try out Lei Flamepaw at the same time. I ended up with this:

I've never used the Discs of Legend treasure before, but this time round I got 2, as well as getting Lei Flamepaw in my opening hand. This meant nearly every boss before the Plague Lord got burnt down by Eviscerate/Razorpetal spam (aided by the spell damage HP) by turn 5. Against the Plague Lord, All 3 Lei's died quickly enough, barely managing to take down the first 100 health, so I managed to tread water for a little while until I managed to draw Malygos. After that, I managed to finish the Plague Lord off from 120 health in one turn using Forgotten Torch/Razorpetal. Turns out getting 3 legendaries for every one played in preeetty good. Even if you don't manage to get that many legendaries in your deck.


So lets see the fun you've had in the tomb!

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    While there has been a few individual threads about single runs, or bosses, we haven't got a general "look at my awesome run", and I feel like it would be fun. So post them here!


    I'll start:

    I was out to complete Chapter 2 (standard) with Reno after completing it with Finley, and also try out Lei Flamepaw at the same time. I ended up with this:

    I've never used the Discs of Legend treasure before, but this time round I got 2, as well as getting Lei Flamepaw in my opening hand. This meant nearly every boss before the Plague Lord got burnt down by Eviscerate/Razorpetal spam (aided by the spell damage HP) by turn 5. Against the Plague Lord, All 3 Lei's died quickly enough, barely managing to take down the first 100 health, so I managed to tread water for a little while until I managed to draw Malygos. After that, I managed to finish the Plague Lord off from 120 health in one turn using Forgotten Torch/Razorpetal. Turns out getting 3 legendaries for every one played in preeetty good. Even if you don't manage to get that many legendaries in your deck.


    So lets see the fun you've had in the tomb!

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2283 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Just want to share that "Hearthstone" is an amazing treasure. I used it after getting the Heroic PlagueLord of Madness to 23 health and I was about to die. Went directly to Bob's, made a few deck adjustments, then faced the boss again, still at 23 health, but I was at full health (plus 5). Beat it!

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    My first successful run against the murloc plaguelord was a breeze. I had captured Flag + Titanic Ring for +1/+2 and taunt on all my minions and a bunch of treasures and cards that generated tokens, not to mention the murloc infestation itself. I was basically free to go face while the boss had to find ways to clear my board over and over again, and I would have easily fatigued him if it weren't for his final form, murlocknado. I took down the plaguelord from nearly full health despite having a hero power that had zero synergy with the deck (spell power +2).

  • Skorpionex's Avatar
    Headless Horseman 1445 426 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Discovered King Togwaggle and enemy had full hand. Guess who is Plague Lord of Murlocks now?

    What's the most powerful card in Hearthstone?

    A credit card.

  • Risen's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Easily beat the first two wings on heroic with Finley. I took Argent Lance and Discover a minion hero power. The Lance is useless vs the first wings final boss, but it's still a pretty broken interaction overall. Added to that I managed to get the Lucky shovel or whatever it's called in one of those runs for maximum steamrolling. I'm sure there's plenty of decks with better synergy, but I feel like it's an easy top tier selection. I can't wait to try Reno's Sr Tomb Diver when it finally unlocks too.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    one of the craziest was getting the treasure that gives you +10 spell damage decaying each turn twice. With a deck that was already trying to just quickly burn them down ( wanted to rush the boss to set up to finish it with Finley). Let's just say it was a lot of damage and most bosses got oneshot within the first 3 turns (turns out a 2-mana spell that gives you 2 1-mana spell that deal 20 dammage each is pretty good)

    Also went on a crazy oneshot run against the Death Plaguelord with Finley. Turns out Truesilver Lance with the hyper draw Elixir is pretty good....especially when you also get the passive that discounts your hand whenever you play an odd cost card.

    It took a while, but that boss never even got close to hurting me (although I guess I got lucky to not have him play Hakkar)

    Also I almost got the Death guy down from 300 to 13 with Elise despite having like 5 Hakkars die over the course of the game. Titanic Ring is pretty great if everything respawns and creates and unbreakable wall.

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • EpicHercules's Avatar
    Jaina 270 59 Posts Joined 06/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Third wing I used Finley and filled my deck full of battlecry minions. The more powerful the battlecry the better. That and the treasure that shuffles two one cost copies into your deck each time you play a minion and the minion that destroys an enemy minion and gains twice it's attack and health. Add in some Mistcallers and the hero power that gives a friendly minion divine shield and winfury and I quickly wiped the Plague Lord of Death in one go. Only tight spot was when I had a 26/24 with windfury and he dropped a Sylvanus that I had to clear. Luckily it grabbed a little 3/1 or he would've one-shotted me next turn.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I'm just gonna leave this here:

    Anomaly: summon a minion for the cost of a spell

    double Sorcerer's Apprentice, Mana Addict, Cheap Shot

    easy infinite damage

    I tried having fun once.

    It was awful.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2283 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Public service announcement: fatigue resets for Plague Lords when they restock their decks. I had Death taking 7 fatigue damage, and when he got down to 100 health, his deck refilled as usual. Then I killed that deck with Azari, and he took 1 fatigue damage. Obviously, I still won. Turns out having 7 Lucentbarks and a first aid kit is pretty good.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • GerritDeMan's Avatar
    Unicorn Reveler 525 264 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I can now safely say that [Hearthstone Card (Jr. Navigator) Not Found] is completely busted, and a boatload of fun. Thanks to the Hearthstone I was able to add six additional copies of it to my deck. Killed the Plague Lord of Death with one that was buffed up to a 480/480 by the good ol' Divine Spirit + Inner Fire combo. Killed the seventh boss (Chu) while having about 200 armor thanks to Earthen Scales. I also had Rocket Backpacks so by combining Zerek, Master Cloner and spells from Jr. Navigators I could basically remove everything.

    If the Jr. Navigator is already this strong then the Sr. Navigator is guaranteed to be completely insane.



  • barnabsx's Avatar
    Sparklepony 695 66 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    i just one shotted the wrath plague lord on heroic, previous foes with kragwa the frog- spirit echo - gnomebliterator

    Coin go... brrrrr

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