Rogue decks in Standard

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

Any suggestions of rogue decks that may be viable in Standard? Tempo Rogue is more or less the same as always, and I lack the Quest and Tess (and I'm NOT going to craft any card that generates random shit). I have been testing several Pogo Rogue combinations but with little success; next thing will be a deck with Questing Adventurer + Lackeys, it could be fun. Any other ideas? I have seen some interesting Deathrattle decks on stream, but I lack most of the legendaries needed.

  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Any suggestions of rogue decks that may be viable in Standard? Tempo Rogue is more or less the same as always, and I lack the Quest and Tess (and I'm NOT going to craft any card that generates random shit). I have been testing several Pogo Rogue combinations but with little success; next thing will be a deck with Questing Adventurer + Lackeys, it could be fun. Any other ideas? I have seen some interesting Deathrattle decks on stream, but I lack most of the legendaries needed.

    The pleasure is mine.

    My last standard decks: nothing special right now.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    There's actually two different variants of 'tempo' rogue right now and these seem to be the only competitive builds.

    There's the aggressive one without the quest:

    Which is serviceable as long as you can dodge warriors and druids. 

    And there's the quest, which still needs to prove itself but is showing some potential:

  • RandomGuy's Avatar
    430 614 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    ZachO's list has been my favorite so far. I feel like Aggro Rogue just doesn't do enough without Raiding Party anymore. And it's clunky to fit in.
    Jar Dealer is actually something I was playing in my Quest Rogue a month or so ago. It was surprisingly playable.

  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for the suggestions! In the meantime I built my idea of snowballing rogue with Questing Adventurer, I only had time to play 9 games with it, but it feels good. I'll play it for some time and post it in case it performs well.

    The pleasure is mine.

    My last standard decks: nothing special right now.

  • FieselFitz's Avatar
    Prince Charming 1105 1355 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    There´s also a nice Quest Rogue that works pretty decent on the ladder :

    And is also fun to play :) 

    Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!

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