Unable to log in (help)

Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by

Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Feel free to move it or whatever if this isn't the place.


Alright, so I have a problem login in on the EU server on my laptop. It gets stuck on the loading screen (tavern doors with the HS logo). Since this has been going on for a week now, and I tried all the possible solutions I could find online, I submitted a ticked on the Blizzard website. There, the only response I got was a link to the troubleshooting page, all of which I tried before to no avail. After that no more responses. So I thought I could maybe ask here for advice?

To summarize:

- I can log in on the America and Asia servers on my laptop;

- I cannot log in on the Europe server on my laptop;

- Other accounts on my laptop can log in on all servers;

- I can log on all servers on my mobile phone and tablet;


Anyone who potentially has a clue on how to fix this? If my phone or tablet were playable, or if I had progress on the other servers, I could've adapted, but alas. Normally I'm quite good at figuring out problems like this, but this time I'm stuck :/

Additional notes, I think the problem started after I updated the OS to Catalina: 10.15.1, although I couldn't find evidence online that this has anything to do with it. The "failed" patch came around that time as well, but since that has since then been fixed, it's probably not that.

  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Feel free to move it or whatever if this isn't the place.


    Alright, so I have a problem login in on the EU server on my laptop. It gets stuck on the loading screen (tavern doors with the HS logo). Since this has been going on for a week now, and I tried all the possible solutions I could find online, I submitted a ticked on the Blizzard website. There, the only response I got was a link to the troubleshooting page, all of which I tried before to no avail. After that no more responses. So I thought I could maybe ask here for advice?

    To summarize:

    - I can log in on the America and Asia servers on my laptop;

    - I cannot log in on the Europe server on my laptop;

    - Other accounts on my laptop can log in on all servers;

    - I can log on all servers on my mobile phone and tablet;


    Anyone who potentially has a clue on how to fix this? If my phone or tablet were playable, or if I had progress on the other servers, I could've adapted, but alas. Normally I'm quite good at figuring out problems like this, but this time I'm stuck :/

    Additional notes, I think the problem started after I updated the OS to Catalina: 10.15.1, although I couldn't find evidence online that this has anything to do with it. The "failed" patch came around that time as well, but since that has since then been fixed, it's probably not that.

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1732 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    While you wait to see if anyone here experienced this as well, might want to still drop a note in the Blizzard forums.


    Nevermind, you already did.  Shocking they weren't helpful.  Don't know if this is one of the things you tried, but perhaps you can try uninstalling HS and then reinstalling to see if that fixes the issue.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • DelkoHS's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 485 481 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Finally got another response. Turns out it was nothing on my end. They fixed it now :)

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