Custom Deck Type Label
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
Hey all, one thing that bugged me with our last stomping ground at Hearthpwn was the inability to properly label some of my decks with their proper, or less known, deck types. If they weren't listed in the list we had for that class then we just had to choose "Unknown". However, with Out of Cards I see that now there isn't an Unknown option when crafting decks (unless I'm mistaken, which is entirely possible) so I have to just select the deck description label that most resembles my actual deck.
Is there a possibility to create custom deck labels or expand the list of available deck creation labels?
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Hey all, one thing that bugged me with our last stomping ground at Hearthpwn was the inability to properly label some of my decks with their proper, or less known, deck types. If they weren't listed in the list we had for that class then we just had to choose "Unknown". However, with Out of Cards I see that now there isn't an Unknown option when crafting decks (unless I'm mistaken, which is entirely possible) so I have to just select the deck description label that most resembles my actual deck.
Is there a possibility to create custom deck labels or expand the list of available deck creation labels?
The selection of archetypes can easily be expanded. We input as many as we could think of at the time, but i am sure there's some that may be missing, particularly new ones. What sort of archetype were you looking for?
As for it being custom archetypes, i don't think that would work with they way it is currently set up. Archetypes are also used when searching for decks on the site and it all draws from a set list of possibilities.
I think that because there aren't necessarily unlimited archetypes it would be best if we take requests for ones that are desired which we can add.
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Going to get Unknown labels added for each of the classes which should help with this.
If there are some mainstream archetypes we are missing though, we can very easily add them onto the site for people to make use of.
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I think Miracle Mage should be added to the list.
Tempo and Quest don't do justice to the archetype.
Archetype added, as requested.