Dawn of Desolation - An alternate ending to the Year of the Dragon - Custom Expansion
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
Dawn of Desolation is a 135 card expansion I designed to look into an alternate reality where Lazul betrays the League of EVIL to bring about the Old Gods.
The League of EVIL has laid waste to the land and incapacitated some of its most powerful heroes. With Lazul's powerful clairvoyance leading them on their way, the League of EVIL finds themselves in the crypt of a powerful long dead being. If they can turn the power of the Old Gods to be on their side, nothing will stand in the way of Rafaam! (And the others)
But these ancient powers have something else in my mind. For Lazul doesn't wish to subdue and control her old master... she wants to release them.
Five villains enter the crypt and only Lazul leaves, but with her comes an unimaginable horror and certain doom for Azeroth.
Before the Hour of Twilight comes the Dawn of Desolation.
All 135 cards, complete with description (besides the neutral commons) and flavor text, are located in the following Google Slides Presentation.
Also included is some more information about special cycles and mechanics!
Dawn of Desolation Slides Presentation
Cards without descriptions or flavor texts (Imgur Albums)
(The Neutrals had trouble loading and may come in the future)
Thanks a ton for checking out my expansion!
I hope you enjoy!
I'll be creating an Imgur album tomorrow for everyone who wants to see the expansion without any of the descriptions or extra content.
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Dawn of Desolation is a 135 card expansion I designed to look into an alternate reality where Lazul betrays the League of EVIL to bring about the Old Gods.
All 135 cards, complete with description (besides the neutral commons) and flavor text, are located in the following Google Slides Presentation.
Also included is some more information about special cycles and mechanics!
Dawn of Desolation Slides Presentation
Cards without descriptions or flavor texts (Imgur Albums)
Thanks a ton for checking out my expansion!
I hope you enjoy!
I'll be creating an Imgur album tomorrow for everyone who wants to see the expansion without any of the descriptions or extra content.
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone
Can not emphasise how great this expansion is, seriously. Amazing job! Here have a cookie, a chocolate chip cookie with sprinkles around.
Flavor text has me literally dying
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"
I've added Imgur links for those who would rather see the cards by themselves.
These Imgur Links work!
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone
Wow, this is amazing stuff! Good job!
~ Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know! ~
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Fantastic all around. Excited to see more of you here.
Thank you for the kind words!
I've decided to change the following cards in Dawn of Desolation.
All cards that I've changed that are not listed here were changed to fix wording.
Boiling Elemental to 4 Health, down from 5.
Blood Frenzied Behemoth replaced with Brood Keeper
Visceral Elemental to 2 Attack, down from 3.
Swamp Claw now costs 4 Mana and Overloads for 1, up from 3 Mana and Overload down from 2.
Revan the Maelstrom now has 4 Attack, up from 3.
Tentacles for Armor now casts again after the buffed minion's death, from casting again after the buffed minion is played.
C'BOOM! now has Rush and Taunt, from just having Taunt.
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone
Spam filter was a bit strange. Fixed it for you, although it looks like it didn't really need it.
Dawn of Desolation has now been revamped!
A bunch of cards have been changed and the presentation is snazzier than ever!
Sadly this means the Imgur albums are not up to date, but I'll make new ones soon.
Shepherd of Spirits has been replaced with Voidshrieker.
After mulling it over and listening to some suggestions I've come to the conclusion that the Shepherd doesn't fit the rest of the expansion very well.
Voidshrieker comes in with a crazy unique effect, it's entirely immune to your spells! This means that Voidshrieker will come out of Twisting Nethers and Plagues of Death unscathed! (With the added bonus of restoring itself to full Health)
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone
I've added the class Imgur albums for Dawn of Desolation!
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone
For whatever reason I love C'Thun, so any excuse to bring him back is appreciated. Keep up the good work :)
Looks really good and I love the C'thun support for hunter. Having tried Emeriss+C'thun hunter, I must say that would've been useful.
Im confused by C'boom though.. how is it buffed and does it give one of each existing lackey? One of each played lackey? Those on board?
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
I gave C'BOOM! Rush so that if its condition is not met it can still have some impact. Each existing Lackey is added to your hand.
I'm not sure of a better wording for C'BOOM!'s effect, so if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it.
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone
I personally can understand what it does but I too didn't understand how we can buff it. Only with handbuff like Armagedillo and the others like your Enigmatic Machination ? Because all of other guys will buff C'Thun instead.
I would like to see some cards that buffs C'BOOM when it is in the deck but its ok i guess, It looks like there are enough support to make it 10/10
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
The best way to buff C'BOOM! is through handbuffs as that is the deck it was made to be placed in. Tentacles for Armor and Enigmatic Machination are cards in this set that can both help push C'BOOM! over 10 Attack.
Because C'BOOM! also has Rush you can buff it with Akali, the Rhino which should be fun.
Hearthstone in space with custom art! It was a tough challenge, check it out!
Pilgrimage through the Cosmos - 145 card custom set with 100% custom art!
Reddit Link - r/hearthstone