Parachute Brigand

Parachute Brigand Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

After you play a Pirate, summon this minion from your hand.

Flavor Text

She flies standby.

Parachute Brigand Sounds

Play VO_DRG_056_Female_Orc_Play_01

Attack VO_DRG_056_Female_Orc_Attack_01

Death VO_DRG_056_Female_Orc_Death_01

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  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    A bit different from Patches, but the same energy.  Coming from hand is substantially worse than from deck, but it still synergizes really well with that Warrior pirate mech.


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