Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Fun

Beware! For they are coming...

Bad Luck Albatross Card Image

So obviously this deck revolves around the deathrattle effect of Bad Luck Albatross. We want to fill the opponents deck with a bunch of 1/1 albatrosses and drive them mad while we laugh in their misfortune!

So for the synergies of the deck:

We have the deathrattle synergies with cards such as Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial to immediatly activate the deathrattle from our Bad Luck Albatross or from our Necrium Apothecary which will always draw a Bad Luck Albatross since it's the only deathrattle minion in the deck.

We have some Shuffling of our own since we want as many Bad Luck Albatrosses in our deck. For that we are using Lab Recruiter, Togwaggle's Scheme and Shadow of Death.

After shuffling our Bad Luck Albatrosses, we will want to draw them. We will be using Stowaway and Candle Breath as our major drawing cards and Big Ol' Whelp, Fan of Knives and Necrium Apothecary as our smaller drawing cards.

As you can see the deck includes a small amount of dragons (Nightmare Amalgam, Big Ol' Whelp and Evasive Wyrm) so that we can use Candle Breath for 3 mana or even for only 1 mana with Preparation. These dragons are also here to help us with tempo since we want to stall the game as long as we can for the Bad Luck Albatross payoff.

So that's that for the synergies of the deck.

For the other cards in the deck: Backstab helps with controlling the board and activating our Necrium Apothecarys combo requirement, Preparation helps with our bigger spells (Candle Breath, Necrium Vial and Shadow of Death) and then we have Sap which helps against bigger threats.

There is only one copy of Necrium Vial and Shadow of Death since I was not sure which one to cut out for the other. Necrium Vial has the deathrattle synergy while Shadow of Death has the shuffling synergy, so I decided to try both of them and see what works.

Also the Fan of Knives helps deal with the 1/1 albatrosses so thats a bonus!

So this is my Bad Luck Albatross deck!


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  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Whao is your wincondition? You may edge out a few wins against aggro or combo, with your Albatrosses, but slower control decks will still be able to clear the birds, till you fall into exhaustion. Why not add an Academic Espionage or a Waxadred, to (if it proves necessary) help against exhaustion? You have a lot of draw, so it could work.

    • Farfelee's Avatar
      Draconically Dedicated 400 151 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      While Waxadred would be stronger in this type of shuffling deck, it would mess with the Bad Luck Albatross synergies which is the main point of the deck! Same for Academic Espionage, I want my Stowaway to draw only Bad Luck Albatrosses and nothing else!

      Also, I am running 2 copies of Togwaggle's Scheme and Lab Recruiter so going to Fatigue is none of my concern. If I do end up using all my shuffling cards and am in the end game with no cards left in my deck, my opponents deck should be filled with little 1/1 albatrosses which means that I have won!

      I consider it a win if my opponent just keeps on drawing 1/1 albatrosses (like @Almaniarra said)! It's a fun silly deck for having a good laugh and messing with your opponent. And maybe it can win some games since they get a bunch of 1/1s and I get a bunch of 4/3s like @Hiei said.

    • Almaniarra's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      deck aims to shit their draw and make them draw useless 1-costs to have silly moments you don't wait a win-condition here.

      Think that like a mill deck. You want to make your opponent fatigue to death. This deck wants to make opponent draw nothing useful but 1/1s. to make them mad.

      Win condition is this.

      Necrium Apothecary also can only bring Albatrosses because it is the only deathrattle minion so I don't think that you can't draw albatrosses.

    • Hiei's Avatar
      COMMENT_COUNT_200_HS 480 223 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      The idea is to have 4/3 albatrosses against 1/1 tokens, you'll have bigger minions even if its only 4/3 minions. Its a fun deck, and maybe it can win but if you dont get your albratrosses fast enough you are doomed. Thats why i think the waxadred deck seems better, bigger stats and when you draw the candles with Stowaway for example, it will automaticaly summon bigs minions without paying an extra mana cost.


      But its a fun deck, and hearthstone is a game so, having some good time even if it didnt win a lot have no cost :P

  • ChrisKoe82's Avatar
    200 29 Posts Joined 06/26/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    What flavor is it?

    • HighVoltagez's Avatar
      310 81 Posts Joined 07/23/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      Tastes like chicken... 

    • Harpomandrake's Avatar
      Servant of Illidan 405 37 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      Does it come with any Wafers?

      This deck gave me a good laugh. I would love to annoy the hell out of my opponent with hundreds of 1/1 birds. How competitive it will be is another matter entirely but the game is about having fun too! Which is exactly what is listed as.

    • Almaniarra's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      Hungry albatrosses that hordes around your ship with "Gaaaaarkk, Gaaarks", while you are trying to observe what kind of enemy you are facing of.

      "Are these clouds? No planes !? NO OMG THEY ARE FREAKING ALBATROSSES !!!"

      @Farfelee Well, they are more like seagulls since albatrosses hunt alone but that's blizzard's missed call not yours so I am giving the deck +1 which is what I can give most. Damn, even image is a seagull not an albatross. Look that silly bird ...

      • ChrisKoe82's Avatar
        200 29 Posts Joined 06/26/2019
        Posted 5 years ago

        There goes my hope someone would get the reference. Granted, it's a pretty old one.

        Great. Now I feel old myself, again. ;(

        • Farfelee's Avatar
          Draconically Dedicated 400 151 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
          Posted 5 years ago

          I love that sketch so much, I didn't expect people to get the Monty Python reference!

          • ChrisKoe82's Avatar
            200 29 Posts Joined 06/26/2019
            Posted 5 years ago

            Monty Python's "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" is one of the very few videos I watch over and over throughout the years without ever getting tired of it. They perform this sketch just brilliantly there!

            Much love for the reference!

        • Cogwhirl's Avatar
          Partygoer 190 6 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
          Posted 5 years ago

          My very first thought on seeing the title was that classic sketch, you aren't alone :)


          • Almaniarra's Avatar
            HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
            Posted 5 years ago

            searched for a bit and yes I got it wrong but yeah that was pretty old and exclusive to the country for that time.

            That's impossible to know if you are not interested tho. :D

        • Almaniarra's Avatar
          HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
          Posted 5 years ago

          don't worry and don't feel old, feel wise and experienced ;)


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