Tekhan Rogue

Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Fun

I wanted to test Recurring Villain in quest rogue for a while and finally got to do it.. instead of being the main combo however it became a bonus to all the shenanigans that happens once the deck gets going.

Bloodsail Flybooter Card Image The Caverns Below Card Image Recurring Villain Card Image Galakrond's Guile Card Image

Your main quest completer is the Bloodsail Flybooter. Shuffle some in the deck to be drawn with Stowaway and Shadowstep it for 1/1s that soon becomes 1-mana 4/4s.


 - added two Cheat Deaths in the spots of [Hearthstone Card (Shadow Strikes) Not Found]

- replaced the Questing Explorers by Novice Engineers .

-replaced Gang Up with a [Hearthstone Card (lab) Not Found]recruiter

Deck includes Khartut Defenders and N'Zoth, the Corruptor for late game and last but not least, the reason for the deck name : Galakrond who ate Tekhan. Once the  quest is complete your nero power is "get a 4/4 lackey".. not bad for 2 mana.. 

Tip:- If you find a better target on the opponent's board for your Togwaggle's Scheme or [Hearthstone Card (Gang up) Not Found], by all means thief them! You're a rogue after all! I had an awesome game by shuffling a priest's Crystalline Oracle into my deck.. 


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  • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
    270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    My opinions, as a long-time Quest Rogue player:

    - This will obviously be in Wild, and Wild is not a place for unrefined decks. If you're going to be playing a slow game plan (which you are, given the concept behind the deck) you need both strong anti-aggro tools and some board resets for when the broken stuff starts happening. 

    - Your fundamental concept (i.e. permanently re-summoning Recurring Villains) is as much late-game as you need, in theory at least. N'zoth is a good emergency-slash-boardfill, so that's fine. However, a number of your other cards are unnecessary greed that doesn't actually get you to your win condition, and so should be dropped.

    - If you use Lab Recruiter properly, you will never need to worry about fatigue. Equally, bounce effects are far more reliable than shuffles to complete quest. As such, your shuffle effects are unnecessary, in my opinion.

    - Galakrond is cute and all, but while having a 4/4 on-demand is useful it's nothing compared to some of the dirty things you can do with Valeera in a Quest Rogue deck. She's also your gateway (alongside Lab Recruiter) to never having to worry about fatigue. Drop Galakrond for Valeera and never look back (especially since you're not running Invokes and have no room or need to add them).

    So, how do my suggestions change the deck?

    -2 Togwaggle's Scheme
    -2 Stowaway
    +2 Preparation
    +2 Vanish

    Schemes are unnecessary, as above, and Stowaway's card draw becomes less reliable (and generally unnecessary anyway) as a result. Vanish is integral to redeeming otherwise irreparable boardstates, and although nerfed Prep is still extremely helpful in either getting it off in time or allowing you to build tempo on the same turn.

    -1 Galakrond
    +1 Valeera

    As above.

    -1 Necrium Blade
    -2 Cheat Death
    +2 Fan of Knives
    +1 Recurring Villain

    The Cheat Deaths should be unnecessary, since one Raiding Party is getting you to your quest completion anyway. I'm also not sold on having two Necrium Blades - one is fine to be drawn with a Raiding Party, but past that I don't really think it's adding enough (it's removal, sure, but the DR trigger isn't doing a huge amount - either summoning a 4/4 or triggering a small heal). Better to add a couple of FoKs for cycle (and more to the point, removal). I would also add a second Recurring Villain purely because it's the centrepiece of the deck and so getting it out reliably feels like a good idea (I'm not sure it's optimal, technically, but the deck isn't supposed to be wholly optimal so much as optimised, no?).

    One further change I've considered but unsure on at the moment would be to drop one of the Raiding Party for a Mimic Pod - the second Raiding Party is going to be dead, but on the other hand, having two copies would significantly improve reliability. Mimic Pod is very nice for resource generation, though.

    Final thoughts - no room for Giggling Inventor or Zilliax makes me sad. Still, give the above a try and see if it's any stronger.

    • ARES's Avatar
      Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
      Posted 5 years ago

      Wow! That is a lot of effort put in a deck I initially crafted to have fun in casual. I don't have a lot of the cards you mentioned - Valeera and Preparation. Also the deck is called Tekhan Rogue so I feel like Galakrond 's kind of important there.

      If you agree I'd love for you to make your version of the deck and post it on your profile mentioning me somewhere or linking this deck or something. Yours will be the competitive version maybe with techs and winrates and stuff.

      If you do- post a comment here or message me somehow so I can like it.

      • KANSAS's Avatar
        Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
        Posted 5 years ago
        Quote From ARES

        Wow! That is a lot of effort put in a deck I initially crafted to have fun in casual. I don't have a lot of the cards you mentioned - Valeera and Preparation. Also the deck is called Tekhan Rogue so I feel like Galakrond 's kind of important there.

        If you want this deck to be good, you cannot get attached to certain cards. You shouldn't worry too much about the flavor of your deck or playing cards simply because they are 'cool'. If Galakrond isn't a good card, then change the flavour of your deck so that it can be better.

        Or if you don't care much about win rate and having the best version of the deck then go all in with the flavour and 'cool stuff'.

        • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
          270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
          Posted 5 years ago

          The deck was marked 'just for fun', so pretty sure it's more the latter. My pointers were more about refining the deck while keeping the core concept alive, but not really a problem if certain cards are judged as important for flavour.

      • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
        270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
        Posted 5 years ago

        My sleep cycles are out of whack right now so I can't promise anything, but if the mood strikes me when I get off work I'll do a bit more tweaking and give it a spin - I've not played Wild in a couple months so my ranking should be low enough to allow for some experimentation. The further thought occurred a moment ago that it probably needs an additional bounce since you need one to finish quest (for some reason my brain was still keyed to quest needing 4x rather than 5x plays). Maybe drop a Sap for it, as I seem to recall it underperforming in Wild. Will see after some playtesting.

        But yeah, if the deck makes me smile - which it will accomplish if I manage to relive some Quest Rogue glory days without getting stomped too badly in the process - I'll post and cross-link.

        • Bystekhilcar's Avatar
          270 335 Posts Joined 09/02/2019
          Posted 5 years ago

          Update - tried it some. Just too slow to win games in an environment where people are actually trying to win.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    That's a pretty creative way to use the Quest! Grats!

    ... And now we wait for it to become popular once more and get nerfed again!! Third time's a Charm ;)

  • EndlessTides's Avatar
    Funnel Cakes 365 232 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    While I've been standing outside New Look waiting for the missus and holding the dog I've been looking for a deck that I can take onto Ladder for the Memes. This looks ideal... 

    With a little tinkering that is. Thanks dude! 😊 

    • ARES's Avatar
      Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
      Posted 5 years ago
      Quote From EndlessTides

      While I've been standing outside New Look waiting for the missus and holding the dog I've been looking for a deck that I can take onto Ladder for the Memes. This looks ideal... 

      With a little tinkering that is. Thanks dude! 😊 

      Np.. let me know how it goes and what you changed. There's lots of cards I don't have.. like Preparation that might work better.

  • Darteezy's Avatar
    Valeera 215 28 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I really really want to craft it, the deck seems extremely fun! Is it any competitive? What's your score with it?

    • ARES's Avatar
      Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
      Posted 5 years ago
      Quote From Darteezy

      I really really want to craft it, the deck seems extremely fun! Is it any competitive? What's your score with it?

      I think it might need some adjustments and techs if you want to try this on ladder. For example I run Gang Up instead of Lab Recruiter cause it can target ennemy minions but the lab guy is a body.. 

      I need to check my winrate but the deck works a bit like the handbuff rogue where you could draw a stream of 5+ drops for 5 turns and die or you can draw a flybooter and double Shadowstep and just win right there. Three flybooters completes the quest.

  • Nuagoo's Avatar
    370 117 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Nice one! (Although the Reborn effect seems to not work with the Quest Aura - summons a 4/1 instead of a 4/4)

    • ARES's Avatar
      Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
      Posted 5 years ago
      Quote From Nuagoo

      Nice one! (Although the Reborn effect seems to not work with the Quest Aura - summons a 4/1 instead of a 4/4)

      Yes you're right reborn minions always comes back with 1 health left.. your khartut defender had 4 total health but came back with 3 health missing. 

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    This actually makes me want to craft The Caverns Below. It's a card I've never owned through it's multiple nerfs. Just might finally give it a go.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years ago

    Love it! Cool way to use the quests.

    • ARES's Avatar
      Hungry Ghost 315 199 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
      Posted 5 years ago
      Quote From sinti

      Love it! Cool way to use the quests.

      Thanks lol..

      "At last! Immortality!"

      Zerek, Master Cloner Recurring Villain


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