Screams of the Old Gods! (1 New Legendary, 22 Card Buffs)

Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by

I really liked the Rise of Mechs event and wanted to try my hand at doing something similar for wild. I looked for cards that needed mana discounts to become viable in wild and I looked for cards that had cool abilities if I made them Battlecry and Deathrattle, instead of just being a battlecry or deathrattle. My hope would be that some tier 4 and 3 decks might make use of these changes, or that entirely new decks might emerge.

Let me know what you think!

It might be easier to look at in Imgur


  • ZardozSpeakz's Avatar
    Design Finalist 205 88 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I really liked the Rise of Mechs event and wanted to try my hand at doing something similar for wild. I looked for cards that needed mana discounts to become viable in wild and I looked for cards that had cool abilities if I made them Battlecry and Deathrattle, instead of just being a battlecry or deathrattle. My hope would be that some tier 4 and 3 decks might make use of these changes, or that entirely new decks might emerge.

    Let me know what you think!

    It might be easier to look at in Imgur


  • StormKnightSera's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1720 2921 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Fun fact: I didn't notice this was in the Fan Creations section, so I was briefly tricked into believing it was real :P

    Some of these are not really doable: if Cho'gall dies during your opponent's turn, for example, it won't proc the Deathrattle for you. Master of Evolution is a big No, because you cannot have a situation where the opponent can make a choice on your turn. Anomalus would kill himself with his Battlecry, as well; he would need to say "all other minions."

    Some of these should definitely happen, though. Like, why the fuck is Tentacles for Arms 5-mana?

  • ZardozSpeakz's Avatar
    Design Finalist 205 88 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Glad I tricked you! Haha, tried to make it look legit.

    Good call on Anomalus! I'll change that and update it.

    But Cho'gall could actually be very useful. I imagine doing it like this: Cho'gall+Twisting Nether (or some other spell that kills cho'gall) then Rafaams Scheme (or some other spell that generates minions). Or perhaps Cho'gall+Cataclysm+Nether Portal for a discard quest warlock. Because we're breaking mana limits with a card like this, I expect its mostly about doing strange meme combos. The life loss is already devastating.

    Master of Evolution, good call. I guess the deathrattle would be randomly chosen, but that's different than how the battlecry works. So you're right, its not functional. I'll remove it and add something else.

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Lots of interesting ideas here!

    I'll go through anything that stands out to me. If I don't mention it, I have no problems with it.

    • Feral Rage, Infested Wolf, Ancient Shieldbearer and Darkshire Librarian were already absolutely playable cards. All of them were run when they were in Standard. Obviously this is aimed at Wild, but I don't know if bumps like this to give classes bigger swings in power are the right way to balance Wild out more. Certainly buffing unused cards to make interesting archetypes work is fun, but C'Thun Warrior and Zoo Warlock have existed - making them relevant again or just more powerful doesn't feel exciting, imo.
    • Anomalus will kill itself with its Battlecry. 16-damage to everything is cool, of course, but probably not what you were going for?
    • Master of Evolution's Battlecry is targeted, it can't be made into a Deathrattle. You'd need to make it affect a random friendly minion, which feels almost like a nerf overall, not sure.
    • Hammer of Twilight becoming infinite value - essentially a better Tentacles for Arms - probably wouldn't break anything, but feels like something they want to avoid doing too much of. Giving another class infinite value might not be a good idea.
    • Speaking of Tentacles for Arms, Blackwater Pirate is happy for whatever broken combo just made them relevant. There's a reason Tentacles for Arms costs (5).

    I like that you picked a semi-theme to go with; creating more "Battlecry and Deathrattle" minions. It's a cool design space and you've mostly nailed cards that won't break too badly if changed to that.

    Welcome to the site!

  • ZardozSpeakz's Avatar
    Design Finalist 205 88 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From ShadowsOfSense

    Lots of interesting ideas here!

    I'll go through anything that stands out to me. If I don't mention it, I have no problems with it.

    Thanks for the Feedback!

    You pointed out some problems, im going to fix them.

    Im erring on the side of 'thats too good' with some of the changes. But even if these cards saw use in standard, they are almost never used in wild. Darkshire is occasionally, but not regularly, I'd like to see him return as a staple for zoo and make discard better.

    I play a lot of Wild, currently at legend, so I'm feeling confidant that none of these changes are just going to make a tier 1 or tier 2 deck better.


  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    While I do like the idea of doing more little events like this, buffing up various cards that didn’t see too much play, there are a few here I don’t entirely agree with.

    Feral Rage really doesn’t need the power boost, it’s already at a good power level for what it does, the main problem being just that Blizz printed armor gain cards that outshone it. Power creep is unavoidable over a long enough amount of time, but it’s not a reason to raise the power of well balanced cards.

    Infested Wolf I feel like, while it wasn’t quite strong enough to see a ton of consistent play, a cost reduction might be a bit too much. +1 attack honestly might be enough to get it in the spotlight

    Anomalous would be a bit of a problem only really because of the DK. With her existing, Anomalous would be an autoinclude. Godson already saw play for the smal board clear and heal, this definitely would. Maybe have it be two smaller clears instead?

    Lightlord I’m really on the fence about, as it was never actually a bad card, it’d see play if control Pally was more common, but it’s more the deck itself rather than the card that causes it to not be played.

    Tentacles would be a problem at 2. Aggressive warrior decks manage to resurface every few expansions, due to the charge minions and the weapons the class has. Giving Warrior a really cheap, infinite weapon would be a massive boost to any aggressive decks.

    Ancient Shieldbearer would probably be fine with just the cost reduction. The GVG equivalent saw a lot of play, with only half the armor, and if C’Thun decks were ever a thing, this would definitely see play with it. Seems like it’d be way too easy to gain massive bursts of armor, for not much investment.

    Darkshire definitely doesn’t need the buff. It already saw a good bit of play back in the day, and cheap card draw is something that can get too strong very easily.

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2255 2709 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    In addition to what has already been pointed out (Anomalus killing himself, and some targeted effects becoming a Deathrattle):

    I do however quite like the changes to Infest, Forbidden Ancient, and Ancient Harbinger.

    Custom Hearthstone expansion, Gladiators of Brawl'Gar, 183 cards!
  • ZardozSpeakz's Avatar
    Design Finalist 205 88 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Updated the sheets again. Took the Master of Evolution out and made Eternal Sentinel a battlecry/deathrattle. I also simplified my changes to ancient shieldbearer, keeping it the same mana, making it battlecry/deathrattle. I put Tentacles for Arms up to 3.

    Gotta disagree on people saying Feral Rage is op at 2 mana. +4 attack and +8 armor appropriate 2 mana effects. It's better than Heroic Strike, but not by 1 mana.

    Blade of C'thun is at 6 to keep it out of odd rogue, but 8 is just still too slow. It's a high tempo card, but 6 feels good when compared to Vilespine Slayer. If C'thun Rogue is ever going to work, it needs serious control tools, I hope this might do the trick.


    Generally speaking, Wild is very high powered. There are lots of cards that are unsalvageable for the format, their effects just aren't going to do anything impressive enough. I tried to target cards that are on the cusp of playability in the format, or cards with unique features.

    Very cool to get all this feedback so quickly.

    I'd be curious to see other people attempt this kind of project. I might do Goblins and Gnomes and the Grand Tournament. I skimmed through the more recent wild sets, and lots of those cards are still played, it'd be difficult to do this process to Gadgetzan or Journey to Un'goro. They're full really great cards and cards that can't be saved.

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Cool concept, but let me critise yet another card: Yor'shaj the Shrieker.  Add Yor'shaj and C'thun to any deck, and you have an alternative win condition. And it also is a great token card: Yor'shaj + 1,2 Boardbuffs, and you build a strong board ~about as strong as the twinspell treants~ with at most three cards! Of course, this is wild, and such a combo wouldn't be unheard of, but in combination with the "C'thun deck in two cards" this card may make the other changes irrelevant, since it is good enough on its own to cary the archetype.


  • ZardozSpeakz's Avatar
    Design Finalist 205 88 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Made some more updates. I fixed Anomalus' text so he doesn't blow himself up with the battlecry.

    I also changed the new Legendary. I think Elfensilver was right and I'm not sure it's a great idea. Instead, Yorshaj the Screamer shuffles a random Old God into your deck on a battelcry and deathrattle. It's a value card for control decks, and since the idea behind this homebrew is having an event, it's a fun card to entice people into Wild who might not have any Whispers cards.

    Not sure it's the best idea, but I'd be open to hearing others. I want the new legendary to be a Battlecry Deathrattle and to be called "the screamer". Those are my only design principles on it right now.

  • KaneTheCandy's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 01/05/2020
    Posted 5 years ago

    Honestly, I ADORE this idea but I am more concerned about the C'thun buffers that got left out, Disciple of C'Thun, C'Thun's Chosen , Skeram Cultist and Crazed Worshipper and maybe Twilight Elder.

    As I have found that these are mostly disappointing or lacking, especially Skeram Cultist and Crazed Worshipper both of which are poor at best at the mana cost and haven't ever really seen much play. My suggestion is changing them in this manner:

    C'Thun's Chosen : it has been show consistently that a divine shield should cost around 1 mana but in this case it has taken away a statpoint as well, my suggestion is to add one health.

    Crazed Worshipper : This card is dissapoining for the defensive nature at the mana cost as it has very much 4 mana stats with a slight upside of taunt and should be considerable even outside of C'thun decks just for the nice stat distribution with taunt, so i suggest from 5 mana to 4 mana.

    Disciple of C'Thun : The battlecry is literally Holy Smite so I suggest a +1/+1 buff from 2/1 to a 3/2

    Skeram Cultist : This card could be much more interesting, for example giving C'thun an affect such as Lifesteal or Poisonous as right now, C'thun has trouble keeping you alive apart from maybe having taunt but with Poisonous or Lifesteal it at least gives a boardclear or even a Reno-style healing. ( both of the effects seem good but I can't decide which is better)

    Twilight Elder : This has been a consitently used card in nearly every itteration of C'Thun the only thing is that it buffs C'thun very slowly as when he is on board for 2 maybe 3 turns you get a total of +2/+2 or +3/+3 to your C'thun which seem too slow to make a real impact especially when you try to get C'thun to a 10/10 so my suggestion is small but should gratify those times he does stick, make his end of your turn effect at the end of EVERY turn. (this should give the enemy a reason to target him over others)

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    +1 because I appreciate that you took the time to make really nice visuals.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Sir, you just made some cards really OP.

    8 mana board clear 8/8 body that will clear the board again as a deathrattle? Super OP.

    Ragnaros with Divine Shield? Why? He is Ok as he is, he is 8 mana 8/8 that heals at least once for 8.

    5 mana 6/5 heal for 20 that can be 2 times in your deck? 3 mana infinite 2/2 weapon? 4 mana 3/2 draw 4 one mana cards in Rogue??? 

    Your updated cards would be completely disgusting, most of them. 


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