Hard Mulligan for Edwin VanCleef. Get your combo going as soon as possible. Don't be tooo greedy - just enough. If done well, a quick encounter with no real counter.
... damn you Edwin!
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Definitly among the strongest. They sometimes clear a small edwin and there is this 1/7 Chance of not drawing it but otherwise many auto wins.
I swapped a backstab for a sap. 2 backstabs is to much, you often don’t have a target anyways. Dunno if sap is a good replacement but it wins the mirror
Definitly among the strongest. They sometimes clear a small edwin and there is this 1/7 Chance of not drawing it but otherwise many auto wins.
I swapped a backstab for a sap. 2 backstabs is to much, you often don’t have a target anyways. Dunno if sap is a good replacement but it wins the mirror
Good call! Glad you liked it :)
Earth shock says hi.
Best known counters are turn 2 Execute or Sap - which doesn't give much margin ^^