KingsBane is dead.... What works in Wild?

Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by

With all the changes that have come down the pipeline with these new expansions, I have encountered so many fluctuations in deck builds that many of the popular archetypes are becoming null.  Kingsbane being one of them.  I loved using this card in my Mill Rogue builds as the changes in the expansions came and went.  However, recently I have tried to update that deck and it feels that no matter what I try, there are so many different types of decks out there, that it doesn't work at all anymore.

Of all the decks that I play and have played against, it feels that the only constant in higher level play in Wild is Rez Priest.  I've found a few builds here and there of decks that I like and modified them to my play style, but ultimately I am wondering what everyone else has experienced with some of their favorite decks in Wild with the changing of the environment with the expansions are. Are you finding that your favorite builds and/or decks as a whole are no longer working?  What are you doing different?  Have you abandoned your old builds and gone with something new?

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    With all the changes that have come down the pipeline with these new expansions, I have encountered so many fluctuations in deck builds that many of the popular archetypes are becoming null.  Kingsbane being one of them.  I loved using this card in my Mill Rogue builds as the changes in the expansions came and went.  However, recently I have tried to update that deck and it feels that no matter what I try, there are so many different types of decks out there, that it doesn't work at all anymore.

    Of all the decks that I play and have played against, it feels that the only constant in higher level play in Wild is Rez Priest.  I've found a few builds here and there of decks that I like and modified them to my play style, but ultimately I am wondering what everyone else has experienced with some of their favorite decks in Wild with the changing of the environment with the expansions are. Are you finding that your favorite builds and/or decks as a whole are no longer working?  What are you doing different?  Have you abandoned your old builds and gone with something new?

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    old builds? what are u talking about? rez priest? kingsbane? thats so old news. the only decks that have survived through the ages in wild but with different variations due to exps is reno decks and pirate warrior. the big priest u mention is bad today and honestly im facing more of them then i would expect. its so weird how ppl still cling on such a toxic deck despite its power level being seriously lower now

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