Escaped Mansaber/Freezing Trap Interaction
Submitted 4 years, 10 months ago by
I had an Escaped Manasaber on the field and my opponent had a secret (Freezing Trap). When I attacked with Escaped Manasaber it got bounced back to my hand, but I didn't get a mana. Now both Escaped Manasaber and freezing trap say "whenever" so I would think they would both resolve as I am declaring the Manasaber as an attacker.
Should theEscaped Manasaber get me a mana? Or is it supposed to work like this?
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I had an Escaped Manasaber on the field and my opponent had a secret (Freezing Trap). When I attacked with Escaped Manasaber it got bounced back to my hand, but I didn't get a mana. Now both Escaped Manasaber and freezing trap say "whenever" so I would think they would both resolve as I am declaring the Manasaber as an attacker.
Should theEscaped Manasaber get me a mana? Or is it supposed to work like this?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I think it depends on which card was played first.
If you played Manasaber first, its effect would trigger first, then Freezing Trap would activate. And then the other way for vice-versa.
Although if you did play Manasaber first, then this seems strange.
Was the trap played before Manasaber? That could have an impact on which is considered to be resolved first ... or it is just badly coded, could be too.
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I had the same situation come up, and I did play the mansaber first, yet it bounced to my hand... thus making me hate Hunter all the more.
This should give the mana in all cases. The Manasaber says “whenever it attacks” and it attacks otherwise the trap would not sprung, it is not like the trap activated before Manasabers attack. Report a bug.
I guess the idea is that secrets have a hidden priority on which effect take place first, hence why Flare is countered successfully by Counterspell. So manasaber not granting a mana crystal when sent back with Freezing Trap checks out.
I dont think its a bug, but kinda bummer that no one has clarified this interaction before (that secrets triggers are prioritize over others)
Makes me wonder whether manasaber effect can be countered by Vaporize as well