Silver 8 v Legend 68

Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by

Hi all

This new matchmaking system takes some getting used to!

Not played much on my NA account this month, so thought would play a few bronze/silver games for fun.  I know things have changed so your MMR is the basis for matchups while you have star bonus, though I've not been able to see the rank of my opponents during games.

Added a friend after a long game (I lost), and was interested to see what the differences in ranks were.  I was silver 8 - he was Legend 68.  He of course won't have a star bonus and at Legend is presumably matched via MMR as well same as me.

Working as intended I am sure, but basing matchups only on MMR leads to some surprising matchups :)  I was only Rank 5 last season on NA (60% winrate 15-10).

I totally understand that with everyone resetting to Bronze 10 each season, you don't want Legend players crushing lower skill players and that's fair enough. 


- at my current Silver rank and facing high Legend players, I'm actually going to have "easier" matchups once I climb to somewhere in Diamond, lose my star bonus and face opponents based on Rank?

- I can't face high diamond players who are not matched via MMR if they don't have star bonus anymore?

Do I understand that right or have a got things wrong here?

Oh well, off to play more top 100 Legend players from the bottom of Silver :P


  • og0's Avatar
    Red Riding Hood 1570 1062 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hi all

    This new matchmaking system takes some getting used to!

    Not played much on my NA account this month, so thought would play a few bronze/silver games for fun.  I know things have changed so your MMR is the basis for matchups while you have star bonus, though I've not been able to see the rank of my opponents during games.

    Added a friend after a long game (I lost), and was interested to see what the differences in ranks were.  I was silver 8 - he was Legend 68.  He of course won't have a star bonus and at Legend is presumably matched via MMR as well same as me.

    Working as intended I am sure, but basing matchups only on MMR leads to some surprising matchups :)  I was only Rank 5 last season on NA (60% winrate 15-10).

    I totally understand that with everyone resetting to Bronze 10 each season, you don't want Legend players crushing lower skill players and that's fair enough. 


    - at my current Silver rank and facing high Legend players, I'm actually going to have "easier" matchups once I climb to somewhere in Diamond, lose my star bonus and face opponents based on Rank?

    - I can't face high diamond players who are not matched via MMR if they don't have star bonus anymore?

    Do I understand that right or have a got things wrong here?

    Oh well, off to play more top 100 Legend players from the bottom of Silver :P


    All generalizations are false.

  • Bersak's Avatar
    Magma Rager 720 432 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I think that’s how it works. Except i‘m facing diamond players (10-1) as a legend player. So even at those ranks, MMR seems to play a role.

    If you face high legend, i guess you can be proud. Your disadvantage is minor because the Clinb with Multipliers is no issue anyways. But there certainly are flaws to that system. 

    If high legend players get matched to Diamond 10 players for example, something is wrong. You are much more likely to play suboptimal decks at low rank or pay less attention to the game. Hence, this creates unfair disadvantages for players that are lucky and face lower Level players. 

    It‘s mostly irrelevant but as you proved here, this affects top 100 legend players aswell. 
    On the other side, facing Diamond 1 players feels bad when you already are legend (i know This has allways been the case).

    All in all, i like the new System a lot and i bet they are gonna improve the matchmaking in the future.

    Winner winner chicken dinner

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I think the fact that you're playing Wild (based on the screenshot) also means that you'll have a much wider matchup spread, simply due to there being a smaller amount of players available.

    I've been playing weird decks in Standard Legend, and my rank has tanked to about 10K. So I'm facing people who are at like Gold 1 at this point. Not sure why it doesn't match me against the other weirdos at 10K, occasionally it does, but typically right now it's Gold and Platinum players. I suppose I'm closer to their MMR at this point.

    I'm also losing ranks after wins sometimes (this has happened several times actually) but I guess that's just due to the influx of other people attaining Legend? 

  • og0's Avatar
    Red Riding Hood 1570 1062 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the input guys.

    Yes it was indeed wild - and hence a lower population of players on the ladder.

    I'll keep an eye on how things go as I hopefully climb :)

    All generalizations are false.

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From OmarComing

    I think the fact that you're playing Wild (based on the screenshot) also means that you'll have a much wider matchup spread, simply due to there being a smaller amount of players available.

    I've been playing weird decks in Standard Legend, and my rank has tanked to about 10K. So I'm facing people who are at like Gold 1 at this point. Not sure why it doesn't match me against the other weirdos at 10K, occasionally it does, but typically right now it's Gold and Platinum players. I suppose I'm closer to their MMR at this point.

    I'm also losing ranks after wins sometimes (this has happened several times actually) but I guess that's just due to the influx of other people attaining Legend? 

    kinda depends on server. in Asia the playerbase is bigger for Wild than for Standard

  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Well Hearthstone is more or less decided by who is more lucky, and I guess your matchmaking luck was just the worst.

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • Tript's Avatar
    160 53 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Well, i saw pizzaHS lose 10games in a row as top200 legend, being matched with a bronze 5 and bronze 10 player as a result. So matchmaking is not optimal yet

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Tript

    Well, i saw pizzaHS lose 10games in a row as top200 legend, being matched with a bronze 5 and bronze 10 player as a result. So matchmaking is not optimal yet

    When Pizza's on a losing streak, you can play against Pizza anytime! 

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