Fluctuations in meta during the day

Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by

Hi all,

I've noticed a trend a long time ago concerning the meta at a given time during the day. This list is by far not extensive (and not backed by data) but I'm looking for input/feedback to fill out the data and related counters to the 'daily-meta'.

Mornings: Mostly control decks

Afternoon (after 15:00): Agro/Tempo

Late afternoon (after 17:00): Control

Evening: Midrange / OTK deck

So for example, yesterday afternoon I was playing Zoo lock and won 12/15 games. I mainly encountered demon hunter/dragon hunter. This morning I played the same deck and encountered mostly Handlocks and GalaRogue. I've been noticing these fluctuations persistently over at least a year. Have you noticed anything similar?
What decks would be the best during specific times of the day to counter the meta at those times?

  • TheLastCardInYourDeck's Avatar
    165 10 Posts Joined 04/17/2020
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hi all,

    I've noticed a trend a long time ago concerning the meta at a given time during the day. This list is by far not extensive (and not backed by data) but I'm looking for input/feedback to fill out the data and related counters to the 'daily-meta'.

    Mornings: Mostly control decks

    Afternoon (after 15:00): Agro/Tempo

    Late afternoon (after 17:00): Control

    Evening: Midrange / OTK deck

    So for example, yesterday afternoon I was playing Zoo lock and won 12/15 games. I mainly encountered demon hunter/dragon hunter. This morning I played the same deck and encountered mostly Handlocks and GalaRogue. I've been noticing these fluctuations persistently over at least a year. Have you noticed anything similar?
    What decks would be the best during specific times of the day to counter the meta at those times?

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Since its done via MMR algorithm that is not revealed to us, we can never confirm this. Also meta fluctuates quite astonishingly fast. One day its face hunter, then later its dragon hunter. Its rarely ever stable as decks get refined, or gets countered hard as times go.

    Its probably just coincidence. I myself like to believe that there's a higher percentage chance of meeting aggro decks around weekends since that's when most people would probably want to try ranking up, and the most efficient way of ranking up is to play the highest win rate aggro deck around.

    I tend to find more diversity on afternoon weekdays. But again, its more likely to be a coincidence than anything else.

  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    It might be related to what kind of people is plaing in your server at that time of the day, maybe because of time zones, working times, and so on. Which decks would most teenagers play? I don't know, but you are going to encounter less of them during school times.

    The pleasure is mine.

    My last standard decks: nothing special right now.

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    try from 1 am to 4am. thats my usual schedule. u get some wacky decks from time to time, its funny specially cause our crazy they are they sometimes counter hard the tier 1 decks

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