Wild Odd Warrior best list?
Hi, I like playing Wild. There are a lot of different cool deck... this time I'm in mood to play Odd Warrior. My pick was Zeddy's. Doing fine right now.
What I ask here is there any card it would be good to replace? Squeeze some other tech card? I'm especially interested how important is Elysiana? Some decks run Azalina, too. For what? To copy Reno and stuff? Elysiana has a high played winrate. Rover has served me very well vs. aggro and I wouldn't cut him. This dilemma regarding Elysiana is connected to questions can Odd Warrior deal with anything slow without her and how many slow decks one can encounter post rank 5? I encountered Reno Warlock in the first match which ended in a draw (surprised Brann + Oracle to kill us both), but I would have won if Elysiana was in my deck. What about Direhorn Hatchling and Elise to help with fatigue? Or just discover Direhorn through Stonehill? Or simply pray for luck / give up in beating good slow decks.
Zola? I don't have her.
Another help I need is regarding macro strategy vs. certain decks. Playing Wild for half an year I got a lot of experience, still there's a lot to learn, especially now with Odd Warrior. So... Big Priest is unwinnable? Is there any theoretical way to beat Big Priest? What about Jade Druid? No Geist, no party? Are there any other polarizing decks vs. Odd Warrior except these two? I guess, in Wild you just need to accept these kinds of polarization and move on... What about this new Quest Mage and Exodia?. Exodia seems fine if I burn a combo piece. Good matchups should be: most aggro decks like Odd Paladin, Odd Rogue, Murloc Shaman, Aggro Druid, Pirate Warrior and stuff... then Even Shaman; Even Warlock balanced matchup... Thanks god, Kingsbane is down, because I remember destroying Odd Warrior with him very often.
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Hi, I like playing Wild. There are a lot of different cool deck... this time I'm in mood to play Odd Warrior. My pick was Zeddy's. Doing fine right now.
What I ask here is there any card it would be good to replace? Squeeze some other tech card? I'm especially interested how important is Elysiana? Some decks run Azalina, too. For what? To copy Reno and stuff? Elysiana has a high played winrate. Rover has served me very well vs. aggro and I wouldn't cut him. This dilemma regarding Elysiana is connected to questions can Odd Warrior deal with anything slow without her and how many slow decks one can encounter post rank 5? I encountered Reno Warlock in the first match which ended in a draw (surprised Brann + Oracle to kill us both), but I would have won if Elysiana was in my deck. What about Direhorn Hatchling and Elise to help with fatigue? Or just discover Direhorn through Stonehill? Or simply pray for luck / give up in beating good slow decks.
Zola? I don't have her.
Another help I need is regarding macro strategy vs. certain decks. Playing Wild for half an year I got a lot of experience, still there's a lot to learn, especially now with Odd Warrior. So... Big Priest is unwinnable? Is there any theoretical way to beat Big Priest? What about Jade Druid? No Geist, no party? Are there any other polarizing decks vs. Odd Warrior except these two? I guess, in Wild you just need to accept these kinds of polarization and move on... What about this new Quest Mage and Exodia?. Exodia seems fine if I burn a combo piece. Good matchups should be: most aggro decks like Odd Paladin, Odd Rogue, Murloc Shaman, Aggro Druid, Pirate Warrior and stuff... then Even Shaman; Even Warlock balanced matchup... Thanks god, Kingsbane is down, because I remember destroying Odd Warrior with him very often.
I'm not a Wild expert but at least in Standard in Warrior mirrors the person not having Archivist Elysiana is almost certainly bound to lose. If you face a lot of aggro I wouldn't recommend her, but she enables super-controlly fatigue strategy. Azalina Soulthief is for when you think your opponent has more value in their hand than you do, it's useful sometimes but I've personally found the timing to be hard. Copying stuff like Rin's seals or Amara could win you games sometimes.
And yes I do feel like Jade Druid and Big Priest are quite mad matchups, as are most OTK decks. You should try burning cards or pulling out and killing Sorcerer's Apprentice or Archmage Antonidas with Deathlord in Mage matchups.
I hope someone with better understanding of Wild will give you more useful tips.
Don't run Elysiana in wild. The only somewhat noteworthy matchups which could go to fatigue are the mirror and renolock. Neither of these decks see much play, especially at the higher ranks.
Jade druid is an autoloss unless you can somehow mill their jade idol(s). So Elysiana won't do anything there either.
Big priest is a 50/50 matchup if you change your deck a little. Add Tinkmaster Overspark and hard mulligan for it to dillute their resurrect pool early. This helps a LOT in the long run.
I'd also add a second Big Game Hunter and Supercollider. These also help a lot against even warlock and even shaman.
If you want to get even greedier against big priest, because you absolutely hate those degenerates with a passion like myself, you could add two Faceless Manipulator, using that on one of their Obsidian Statue plus a Brawl is a guaranteed boardclear.
Let me know if you need any other tips on that matchup.
Odd warrior sounds absolutely terrible in wild...
You can't rat, you can't giest, can't saboteur, can't dead man's hand, can't hecklebot so you auto lose to any infinite value, mill or OTK decks
Big priest is big priest. Even the fast decks have tons of big threats like giants that you won't have enough removal for because you can't play execute or omega devastator
The odd hero power was good when it was standard because it counters burn based decks, which don't really exist in wild right now. IMO, you're just sacrificing your chances to win against real meta decks in order to better your matchup against things that don't exist. Non-odd control warrior is better and I've had modest success with it last season
But if you really must play odd warrior, I wouldn't recommend teching any cards against fatigue. The best you can do is add in 10 or so bad cards but any good deck that will let you hit fatigue in the first place will have the ability to add a lot more than just 10 (or just kill you), meaning you still lose. Better to accept the auto loss to such decks and save card slots for more winnable matchups. Control warlock is super rare and not work teching for. They can get lucky and pull your tech card anyway
This is just plain wrong. The meta is currently extremely aggressive with odd paladin, odd rogue and even shaman being the top decks. Mostly because people hate losing against big priest (and I definitely can't blame them). Odd warrior absolutely thrives in such a meta, even more so if big priest wasn't a thing but that can be teched against.
You don't need combo disruptors when combo decks aren't a thing. They get absolutely blown away by aggro decks.
You also don't need execute or omega devastator. With Shield Slam, Supercollider and all the armor in the world to tank the hits big threats aren't much of an issue.
The only problem is jade druid. But I'd gladly take one tough matchup (which is quite rare because jade druid stands little to no chance against big priest) while winning against all the top decks out there.
No faceless manipulator? So u either enjoy losing to Big priest or dont face them. About 30% of my opponents are big priests so manipulator guarantees a board clear after a mass rez spell if u copy the statue. I would add cards that spawn minions for opponent as well. Great tech vs big priests and vs aggro decks or even warlock if u combo it with brawl
Odd paladin and even shaman aren't aggressive decks. They're just midrange board decks and they don't hurt you if you keep the board clean enough, which you can do much easier with a full card pool, they're not a threat
Like I said, the hero power is good against burn-based decks and they're not a thing in wild. Odd rogue is the only exception, and a very good deck, but it's also very rare for some reason. Maybe people don't want to re-craft Patches
Combo druids are reasonably common where I'm at currently (R4 EU) and unlike Jade druid, they have the potential for a good matchup vs Big Priest because they can proactively win the game at some point, making the poison seeds and naturalize stall actually useful
Correct, those obviously aren't the only top decks. Murloc shaman is arguably the more popular shaman deck despite not being as good. Mech hunter is the most popular hunter deck, pirate warrior is the most popular warrior deck, aluneth mage and aggro druid still see decent play, etc...
And besides, I don't think there's any deck more suited to deal with those two midrange decks than odd warrior. You seem to be under the impression that gaining massive amounts of armor is only good versus burn decks. Do you know how aggro and midrange decks beat their opponent? By making their health 0. Just like a burn deck. Do you know which hero power is most suited to counter that strategy? It's Tank up. The warrior class has so many removal tools that running only odd cost cards is hardly a drawback. If you've played even a decent amount with or against the deck you should know this.
Looking at hsreplay only the 6th most popular druid deck seems to be combo druid. We play at the same ranks and I haven't seen a druid in my past 30 games or so. Let alone a combo druid...
There's a reason why odd warrior is back to tier 1 in team rankstar's latest meta report and top of tier 2 in tempostorm's report.
I still prefer the quest based build of odd warrior than this. Taunt minions and Hero Power grants victory against faster deck, while the quest is a win condition against most of the slower ones, a better condition then hoping for fatigue and good rng from Hero 7.
And I think you shouldn't play Deathlord. Against aggro is useless - your hero power is your win condition; and against control is again useless. There isn't enough combo nowaday to justify this, IMHO.
Guys, thanks for all the comments. Played 10 games since, strangely only one Big Priest. Rank 4. I'll play some more, probably the next season and come back here with impressions.
Did you beat the big priest?
Of course, not. :