Legendary Quest Woes
Submitted 4 years, 6 months ago by
So here's the deal...
The solo adventure was available on my EU account before the legendary quest appeared. I dutifully completed Ch 1 but didn't receive the quest reward. Now the quest is displayed in my quest log but I don't know how to activate the reward - I've defeated the final boss again but it makes no difference.
Has anyone had a similar experience or, better yet, can suggest a workaround?
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So here's the deal...
The solo adventure was available on my EU account before the legendary quest appeared. I dutifully completed Ch 1 but didn't receive the quest reward. Now the quest is displayed in my quest log but I don't know how to activate the reward - I've defeated the final boss again but it makes no difference.
Has anyone had a similar experience or, better yet, can suggest a workaround?
May all your legendaries be golden.
Exactly the same. Replaying chapter 1 didnt help. No further idea
Same, opened a ticket in support.
Expected something like this to happen so I did not started the adventure
Yeah, same here :( I was too excited to try the new adventure, so I finished the first two chapters right away, thinking I will do the quest later, when it pops out.. Didn´t realize the legendary quest was to complete the first chapter..oh well :/
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
A fine idea. Just did the same. Will post back when I get a response.
May all your legendaries be golden.
There are already threads about this on Bug Reports so they're aware. Hope it gets fixed promptly so the quest doesn't just sit in my quest log. Already completed the entire advanture before the quest appeared and now I'm stuck with it like many others.
fixing soon tm