First time legend - thanks, Out of Cards!
I've been playing Hearthstone since way back in beta and legend has always been out of my reach but today I finally made it. I couldn't have gotten there without this site, which helped me learn about a lot of different decks that are out there and how to play with/against them. Probably couldn't have gotten there either without the change in the ranked system (or the latest round of nerfs to other decks), but hey, you gotta play the game that's there, right?
A couple of months ago I was one win away on three separate occasions and I fell back and I thought I'd never get back there again. Today I started out a star into Diamond 2, went 5-1, was one star away then lost, took a break and came back and won two in a row and hit legend. Feels pretty good! If you're out there in the "so close, yet so far" category like I have been for a long time, let me just say that I know you can do it.
My winner was right out of an article here:
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I've been playing Hearthstone since way back in beta and legend has always been out of my reach but today I finally made it. I couldn't have gotten there without this site, which helped me learn about a lot of different decks that are out there and how to play with/against them. Probably couldn't have gotten there either without the change in the ranked system (or the latest round of nerfs to other decks), but hey, you gotta play the game that's there, right?
A couple of months ago I was one win away on three separate occasions and I fell back and I thought I'd never get back there again. Today I started out a star into Diamond 2, went 5-1, was one star away then lost, took a break and came back and won two in a row and hit legend. Feels pretty good! If you're out there in the "so close, yet so far" category like I have been for a long time, let me just say that I know you can do it.
My winner was right out of an article here:
an oldie. good job. i still remember hittting legend for the first time. i blamed everything, the matchmaking not letting me get the fav matchups, straight up bad draws, i really thought i would never get there. took me some games to get there. i had an oral exam the next day i still remember that.
after that hitting legend becomes easier i dont know why but it just is.
CONGRATS my friend its something that we usually look past it as just normal to reach but we should always remember how hard it was for us back in the day. good luck out there
Congrats, legend!! What legendary card do u get? Come tell us a story!
Congrats! I'm glad we we're able to help you on your journey.
Well done. Getting to legend is always an achievement. Especially the first time. Well played!
Nice one my friend - great job feels pretty good doesn't it! :)
All generalizations are false.
getting legend at hs is actually one of those "feels good" first times of life if yk what I mean
My random legendary was Natalie Seline. I've been lucky about classic legendaries lately, I got two from my one brawl pack per week in the span of about six weeks. If this isn't my last one I think it's one of my last.
Thanks to all for the well wishes. You're not kidding about it being a feel good moment. For months I swear like 2/3 of all of the games I've played have been against players with the legend card back. Sometimes that would make me feel like, "Dammit, I keep getting matched with ex-legends!" and other times it was encouraging to know that the matchmaker thought I should be playing legends.
Glad to hear we were able to provide the tools to get you there! Congrats!
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