Mind Blast Apology (Hearthpwn Forum)

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

Back when Hearthpwn was the main hs site, forums discussing the movement of mind blast were not uncommon. I was against that idea, and I didn’t articulate my feelings in the most polite way. To anyone who may remember all of that stuff: You’re right and I’m sorry.

  • Ibbinx's Avatar
    40 8 Posts Joined 03/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Back when Hearthpwn was the main hs site, forums discussing the movement of mind blast were not uncommon. I was against that idea, and I didn’t articulate my feelings in the most polite way. To anyone who may remember all of that stuff: You’re right and I’m sorry.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    It never hurts to apologise but I don't think you're wrong to disagree with rotating out mind blast just because the devs decided to do it. As far as I'm concerned the hall of fame system is a stopgap measure that doesn't address the problems inherent in evergreen cards in a satisfying way.


    Sure we can keep HoF-ing basic and classic till there's nothing but useless trash left in those sets but I'd rather see a proper rotation system implemented.

  • MurlocAggroB's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_900_HS 1170 907 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm still a little sad they removed Mind Blast, to be honest. I fully agree with the class flavour reasons, but the balance seemed on point to me. Basic and Classic cards in my eyes should be cards that aren't mainstays but can become key pieces of decks with the right synergy. Mind Blast was considered a joke card for years, and it wasn't until Shadow Visions and a bursty Priest archetype came out that it actually was played.

    I also wish Radiance was just a reprint of Flash Heal. Would anyone really care if they reprinted some junker cards like that? I'd love a new Darkbomb with different flavour, for example.

    A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head

    I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.

    Hmm. Turns out he's dead.

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