Got Away with It!
Seriously though, you shouldn't always do what E.V.I.L. villains tell you to. Acquired from completing The Dalaran Heist in Heroic mode.

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Clear Heroic Dalaran Heist
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Please help
I completed the whole dalaran heist in heroic mode but I didn't get the cardback :(.
It's been over a month now and Idk what is happening.
I' m very proud of me for having this one. Golden borders are the best!
ugh.. this one is something for later to achieve
At first I thought I like it less than the normal version, but during the matches the golden border looks so much better than the white/silver one. Still wish that we could see more of the cardbacks during the match, sometimes I see opponent's cardback and would like to know where he got it from, but if he doesn't take a slow discover, the chance that I remember how it looked like after the match is slim.
Anti-spell play was fun to deploy.
I like the Heroic card backs. Nice to be able to show off.
I like the Heroic card backs. Nice to be able to show off.
A card back I'll never obtain. Kudos to those that do though.
Perfect card back for Khadgar hero skin.
This was one of the hardest things to do, after beating the Lich King with all 9 classes. Chapter 5 on Heroic was a beast!
Honestly I’m a bit disappointed by this card back. It’s only moderately different from the one you get for defeating easy mode, and yet is somehow less flashy. I’d rather we unlock the new heroes by finishing the adventure on heroic with them