Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1/+1.
In a world where you can run to a spirit healer and resurrect yourself, Undertakers do pretty light business.
Deathrattle - Does something when it dies.
Unlocked in The Construct Quarter, in the Naxxramas adventure.
Crafting unlocked in The Construct Quarter, in the Naxxramas adventure.
Play VO_FP1_028_EnterPlay_01
Attack VO_FP1_028_Attack_02
Death VO_FP1_028_Death_03
Now gains only +1 Attack (previously +1/+1)
Nerf reverted, now gains +1/+1 (previously +1 Attack).
Just noticed this page still shows the old art from when it was nerfed instead of the un-nerfed card.
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Just noticed this page still shows the old art from when it was nerfed instead of the un-nerfed card.