Murozond Priest

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
  • Fun

Pretty straight forward deck. Mulligan for cheap cycle. Don't mill Togwaggle or Murozond. Remove a bunch of stuff. Heal. Togwaggle and Murozond when they swap back for free deck & memes.

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  • Scarifar's Avatar
    130 19 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    No need for Awaken the Makers?

    EDIT: Also, this deck has no early AoE in case of, I dunno, zoo and token decks, which are fairly prevalent right now. I'm taking out the Acolyte of Pains and adding in the 2 of the new Breath of the Infinite.

    FINAL EDIT: I have come to the conclusion that this version of the deck is absolutely terrible. I'm better off with the Awaken the Makers version. Thanks for trying to make a fun deck, but this just wasn't good enough.


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