Alternate Spelling Card Design Competition

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This Week's Theme: Alternate Spelling

We're looking for the latest thing in spellcasting this week - don't stick to the old school!

  • You must create a spell of a Spell School not normally associated with that class
    • Obviously, your spell can't be neutral either - no sneaking around the restrictions!
  • The Spell Schools not allowed for each class are listed in the spoiler below
    • Show Spoiler
      Demon Hunter: Fel, Shadow
      Druid: Arcane, Nature
      Hunter: Fire, Nature
      Mage: Arcane, Fire, Frost
      Paladin: Holy
      Priest: Holy, Shadow
      Rogue: Nature, Shadow
      Shaman: Fire, Frost, Nature
      Warlock: Fel, Fire, Shadow
      Warrior: Fire, Nature

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Competition Entries

Make sure you read the list of disallowed Spell Schools - you might find one on there that you don't expect! We had to be especially strict with some classes (like Hunter and Warrior) as they just don't have many Spell Schools associated with them.

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