I can see this making it's way into a number of decks. Libroom Paladin would get a kick out of this as well. Another 2 drop that gets more gnarly in your hand along with Argent Braggart... just ew.
I do like how this is lending a hint towards a control style though since you don't want to play it soon, you'd want to control the board a bit by playing a number of higher cost cards to build it up. Even at a 5/5 for 2, this would be an annoying little drop.
I was already starting to wonder how it works with Y'Shaarj, the Defiler if it never reached "Corrupted" since it can be corrupted endlessly, but it does have a Corrupted token that just keeps growing. The art of both of them is appropriately disgusting.
Now that this card is out, I wish it had a art corrupting growth as old Jades had. It would be awesome to see it change from level to level.
after every corrupt he take green or white stats?
I don't really know how good it will be, I just want to make it a 31/31 by playing it in a deck that has all >2 cost cards and playing them all.
I can see this making it's way into a number of decks. Libroom Paladin would get a kick out of this as well. Another 2 drop that gets more gnarly in your hand along with Argent Braggart... just ew.
I do like how this is lending a hint towards a control style though since you don't want to play it soon, you'd want to control the board a bit by playing a number of higher cost cards to build it up. Even at a 5/5 for 2, this would be an annoying little drop.
I was already starting to wonder how it works with Y'Shaarj, the Defiler if it never reached "Corrupted" since it can be corrupted endlessly, but it does have a Corrupted token that just keeps growing. The art of both of them is appropriately disgusting.
well seems interesting especially in corrupting decks...