A New Year Bash
The party is here! Work together with another player to decorate the tavern and kickoff a New Year's party!
How It Works
- This is a cooperative brawl, your aim is to kill the Piñata Golem boss, not each other!
- You'll randomly get a pre-made Druid or Rogue deck (with your opponent getting the other).
- The decklists were updated for the third iteration of this brawl.
The fight has two phases.
Phase 1
- You and your opponent will be using Decorate Hero Power while getting rid of Party Crashers.
- You cannot control Party Crashers but will auto-attack your opponent's hero at the end of each turn; make sure to remove them!
- Decorate will use all your leftover mana to progress the "decorating".
- Once the decorating target (25) has been reached, the second phase begins.
Phase 2
- Both players' Hero Powers will change to Pelt.
- The Piñata Golem boss will spawn, and the Party Crashers will be buffed to 5/7.
- The boss will move to your opponent's side of the board at the beginning of your turn.
- If the board is full on that side, the boss will use Noise Complaint to clear it.
- The boss will sometimes use Something in the Punch.
- Hitting the boss will occasionally reward you with one of three special spells: Rock Candy, Divine Sweets, or Regenerative Cookies.
- When Piñata Golem is killed, both players win the brawl.
- This Brawl is the successor of Mammoth of a New Year, which celebrated the start of the Year of the Mammoth.
- The Brawl also used the same decklists until its third iteration.
When We've Seen A New Year Bash
Week | Started | Ended | Reward |
Week #165 | Tuesday, August 07, 2018 | Saturday, August 11, 2018 | 1x Classic Pack |
Week #237 | Wednesday, December 25, 2019 | Wednesday, January 01, 2020 | 1x Classic Pack |
Week #290 | Wednesday, December 30, 2020 | Wednesday, January 06, 2021 | 1x Classic Pack |
Week #343 | Wednesday, January 05, 2022 | Wednesday, January 12, 2022 | 1x Year of the Phoenix Pack |
Week #446 | Wednesday, December 27, 2023 | Wednesday, January 03, 2024 | 1x Standard Pack |
Week #499 | Wednesday, January 01, 2025 | Wednesday, January 08, 2025 | 1x The Great Dark Beyond Pack |
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Completed on first try on main account.
Might be hard if you've struggled with last week's brawl.
I got my pack on the first attempt when I loaded an extraaccount on one device then did challenge a friend.
I had not used it in over a year so you get a free deck, so that is nice.
For those of you who still haven't completed this brawl: You can complete it by challenging a friend too and you will both get the pack if you win. More fun and at least it prevents the frustration of playing 'with' someone who doesn't understand the coop nature.
Even better if you have an alt-account on the same region, so you can challenge yourself. Just did it that way, playing with one account on my PC and the other on my phone. If you don't have an alt yet: in the past you needed at least one class to be lvl20 to brawl, so it took quite some time to make it possible. Not sure how that works now - when DH was introduced, I think it was immediately lvl 20... maybe someone knows?
After celebrating New Year 2021 and reading this comment section i thought to myself "Could teamwork be so hard to achieve?"
Then I proceed to play the brawl and it took me "5" attempts to finally be paired with a worthy partner.
Like, i dont know, they kill ur minion (instead of the party crasher) and when they realise they can't attack your face they just rope and left...!?!?
So whoever that fifth person i paired up with, i wish you a wonderful 2021 experience.
the stupidest brawl
for instance ... I had two 12/12 minions and two 8/8 minions ... instead to finish the party to allow me to keep these big guys to destroy the pinata my "opponent" continued to play low cost minions ...
fixed that for ya
My druid "co-op" player was killing my Frostwolf warlord and like 2 other big minnions with his spells (Naturalize was especially painful to watch).
We lost that one ofc.
Well luckily it was one and done for me. Person i played with misplayed once. But it is no way obvious that you cannot have full board i also misplayed like that first time around couple of years ago...
What the hell is wrong is Blizzard. Is it so hard to explain the goal of the Brawl? I played my first game and thought the idea was to get the decorations done. My opponent wasn't happy with me.
Finally. Got Nozdormu the Timeless from K'thir Ritualist. Obviously that helped to get less damage in the early phase.
Overall with the provided decks it feels much tricky than the brawls before.
First Cenarion Ward -> Hir'eek, the Bat
Second one -> Octosari
That was fun (not)
Try Ragnaros
OMFG!, We had the Pinata at 9 hp, my "teammate" had a Supreme Abyssal, and Roped AFK two turns in a row, killing me. FML
I got a Turalyon, the Tenured from a Cenarion Ward. Was not really expecting it to work on the piñata, but it totally did. EZ
The same just happened to me!
My friendly opponent got Ragnaros the Firelord and it hit me in my face >: (
Oh nooooooo! :(
I had a game where my opponent used a Corrupted Circus Medic and dealt damage to me. Twice.
They otherwise seemed to know what the brawl was, helped me beat the pinata and even healed me after the first incident. It seems that this person had the intention of healing me, but forgot to take into account that when you pay a 5+ Cost card in your hand, it will deal damage instead.
Lesson to everyone: If you want to play Circus Medic for the healing and a more expensive card in the same turn, play the Medic first, then the more expensive card.
I'd understand this if Corrupt were not still in Standard, but ... wow.
Man oh man was this tough. My first three games all ended with my opponent actually killing me by attacking me directly.... I just don't understand what makes people just jump into a brawl totally blind and not understand their deck isn't just random cards.