Brawl of Gaudiness
Gaudy? You? Never! You look marvelous in that! Choose a class to get a random deck, all cards cost half but you can only play 2 per turn!
How It Works
- Pick a class and you'll get a deck full of random cards to play.
- All your cards cost half of their base cost (rounded down), but you can only play two cards in a turn.
- Don't forget that The Coin counts as a card!
- The Brawl is named after the Dalaran Heist treasure Robes of Gaudiness, which has the same effect that the brawl is based on. The Robes also feature on the Brawl's chalkboard art.
When We've Seen Brawl of Gaudiness
Week | Started | Ended | Reward |
Week #244 | Wednesday, February 12, 2020 | Wednesday, February 19, 2020 | 1x Classic Pack |
Week #282 | Wednesday, November 04, 2020 | Wednesday, November 11, 2020 | 1x Classic Pack |
Week #443 | Wednesday, December 06, 2023 | Wednesday, December 13, 2023 | 1x Standard Pack |
Week #482 | Wednesday, September 04, 2024 | Wednesday, September 11, 2024 | 1x Standard Pack |
Week #500 | Wednesday, January 08, 2025 | Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | 1x The Great Dark Beyond Pack |
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Looking at MurlocAggro's list of brawls and then playing this current rng fiesta makes me think Blizzard has put an intern in charge of the weekly brawl.
When it comes to Brawls with random cards, you've arguably got two choices:
going second is almost always an auto-lose
You can tell the braindead playing Dragon Priest & Dragon Pally
Here's a list of non-seasonal, non-expansion-based, non-Brawl Block Tavern Brawls that have not been reprised in over a year:
A Less Friendly Game of Chess
A Temporus Shift
Banana Brawl!
Blingtron's Beauteous Brawl
Clash of the Minions
Clockwork Card Dealer
Deal Your Fate
Double Deathrattler Battler
Gone Fishin'
Heart of the Sunwell
It's Raining Mana!
Lead from the Front
Miniature Warfare
Shadow Reflection
Shadow Towers
Spellbook Duel
The Great Amalgamation
The Great Stone of Challenge
The Great Summoner Competition
The Masked Ball
The Void Singularity
Top 2
Top 2 - Standard
Underdog Rules
Yellow-Brick Brawl
You Must be This Tall to Brawl
Cart Crash at the Crossroads
Duel of the Death Knights
Spiders, Spiders, EVERYWHERE!
Too Many Portals!
Treasure in the Catacombs!
A Friendly Game of Chess
Boom Bot vs. Annoy-o-Tron!
Idols of Azeroth
Monster Smash
Showdown at Blackrock Mountain
The Wild Brawliseum
Your Standard Brawliseum
Nefarian Rises!
Unite Against Mechazod!
Storming Stormwind
And for some reason we get a reprisal of a brawl that debuted in February. Their selection process confuses me.
Half cost you say?!?! Dear Gaud!!!
This was a close match, and then I drew Bloodreaver Guld'an and my opponent conceded
The Brawl art: 92/10, best NA, pogchamp, 9/10 dentists agree, readers choice award.
The Brawl itself: your stepaunt who gets offended if you don't listen to and understand her twenty minute stories in which five people you've never met are exclusively referred to with pronouns.
I know for most casuals playing tavern brawls they love when they dont have to use their own cards, but id love to see what decks would become meta with everyone having robes
This is an RNG fiesta. Pretty much, you either get a crap deck with poor draw or an amazing deck that will make you say woah.
I won my second game by playing a 15 health Ozruk on turn 4, then the following turn I gave it Windfury and swapped it's attack and health via Crazed Alchemist. It was pretty funny.