Blood Magic
How much are you willing to sacrifice for power? All your spells will cost health instead of mana!
This build-a-deck brawl challenges you to build a deck from any class. Any spells added to your deck will cost health instead of mana, which is much like Cho'gall's card effect.
How it Works
- You cannot play spells if your health is equal to or lower than the cost of the given spell.
- If you have an effect which reduces the mana-cost of a spell, it will apply to the health cost of it.
- Similarly, cards that increase the cost of spells, such as Loatheb, will also increase the health cost of the spell.
- Minions that can draw cards can be quite helpful for getting those big spells you want to cast early.
- If you can make your hero immune, with a card such as Violet Illusionist, spells are effectively free since you will not take damage.
- Playing big spells early that give you considerable board presence or deal large amounts of damage can help you win.
Hot Decks for Blood Magic
When We've Seen Blood Magic
Week | Started | Ended | Reward |
Week #88 | Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | Saturday, February 18, 2017 | 1x Classic Pack |
Week #313 | Wednesday, June 09, 2021 | Wednesday, June 16, 2021 | 1x Year of the Phoenix Pack |
Week #402 | Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | Wednesday, March 01, 2023 | 1x Standard Pack |
Week #353 | Wednesday, March 16, 2022 | Wednesday, March 23, 2022 | 1x Year of the Phoenix Pack |
Week #356 | Wednesday, April 06, 2022 | Wednesday, April 13, 2022 | 1x Standard Pack |
Week #388 | Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | Wednesday, November 23, 2022 | 1x Standard Pack |
Week #462 | Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 1x Standard Pack |
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Crap, don't have half the cards needed to use any shared decks.
Oh well, I'll wait for the next
One of those brawls where DK isn't a good class ๐
To be fair, anything that isn't druid, priest or dhunter wouldn't be. And even then its 90% dhunter all day everyday.
This Brawl needs to be changed to the first spell you play each turn and/or mana's worth of spells up to your current mana crystals or somesuch -- or it should simply be removed. It's almost impossible to be more newbie-hostile than this terrible brawl.
Anyway, this should win on Turn 2 or, if you are fast enough with an excellent connection and CPU, Turn 1.
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Blur
# 2x (1) Double Jump
# 1x (1) Final Showdown
# 2x (1) Twin Slice
# 2x (2) Chaos Strike
# 1x (2) Fel Barrage
# 2x (2) Mark of Scorn
# 2x (2) Spectral Sight
# 2x (3) Acrobatics
# 2x (3) Relentless Pursuit
# 2x (4) Fel'dorei Warband
# 2x (4) Glide
# 2x (5) Need for Greed
# 2x (6) Relic of Dimensions
# 2x (6) Skull of Gul'dan
# 2x (8) Inner Demon
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Didn't we have this one a few months ago?
Indeed, 3 months + 1 week ago was the last time ...
Solid Alibi's time to shine
Doesn't do anything if you die on turn one.
That's why you go first
I'd be fine never seeing this brawl again.
Blizzard be like: " Did you said at least 3 times/year ? No problem "
Well this thing is still broken as ever... and feel sorry for the poor sod I just fought who was a rogue who went first and opened with... argent squire *looks at players name and see it is one of the default pants names and they have a sergeant honor rank... looks at hand that has Ultimate infestation, solar eclipse and 2 moontouched amulets and knows what is going to be happen*. Rope was the bigger threat on that one.
Why are there so many pants names?
From what I understand it's a default name given to people who have not created a designated user name for their account and is always a variation of *blank*pants.
How does one create a Bnet account without a user name to where a PANTS name is given?
I have encountered a lot of PANTS playing wild... it's weird!
Didn't we just did this one a while ago? Why is it back now, as though of all brawls this one is the pinnacle of joy and diversity that we need to see it more than the apparent mandatory amount of once a year.
They took it down after one day and changed over to Party Portals. I assumed it was because everyone saw how stupid Blood Magic is, but apparently not.
One of the worst Brawls ever, in my opinion. Basically, whoever goes first has a huge advantage and probably wins, provided they're able to play all their cards before their turn is over.
Also, I think this is the fastest returning Brawl ever with only 3 weeks between appearances. I suspect the March 2022 occurrence was an error, as it was changed to Party Portal 24 hours after release. If you're not a fan of this Brawl, it might be a good idea to wait a day or two to see if it changes again.
Turn 1 Otk mage did it for me
Whatever you play, SAVE THE PACK (not like I did, dumb me). Is Standard and after the expansion, you'll get new set cards from it!