Snowball fights are not what they used to be... Stupid global warming... Lately there is not enough snow to build a snow forts like we used to when I was a kid...
Funny, it is snowing here formthe first time this winte
Blizzard said, that [Hearthstone Card (Edwin van Cleef) Not Found] will rotate but Hall of Fame will be no longer and they will ease the access for new players.
So, my speculation what will happen.
Classic set will rotate, just like all Year of Dragon sets. If you have unopened Classic packs, you can open them and use in Wild format.
Blizzard will create a new set, lets call it Core set or will extend the Basic set with new uncraftable cards taken from existing wild cards card pool. This set will be granted to all players for free.
If you already have the card(s), you will get a new copy just like we get cards during last year Wild event (we got copies of cards like Evolve etc.). The technology is here.
Each year (or as needed) Blizzard will update the pool of cards from Core set. They can remove cards or nerf them as needed, as there are no dust/crafting/pack costs.
Relax and wait? Have you been around last year? EVERY TIME there is a change, it's in our worst interest. Battle pass, rewards, new modes, always motivated by greed.
Sure. Duplicate protection on all rarities, free Battlegrounds, battle pass actually giving more rewards than therewere before... everything is in players worst interest.
So now what? I got slightly drunk and crafted Golden Edwin boy thinking I'd be getting a good ROI from the dust bank in a few months. Now I'm confused and a little hungover. I think I'll dust Golden Boy and recraft Regular Boy to be on the safe side and have a little more than five (5) dust stored under my mattress.
They said “there is no additional benefit to crafting or hoarding extra Edwins” so I think the first one will still get full dust value. I dusted my regular one and crafted a golden one.
As said above, you should have much more gold with this new system. With old system I was able to get 7000 gold per 4 month. If you got 8000 you had to play A LOT. Now I expect to get around 10-12000 (now I am at 7200 with 2.5 months more to play).
It would be very easy to disenchant 4 commons and a rare and then in each pack getting a new set for full disenchant value. At least you can recraft it with no loss.
Priest which worship the Void - in game they deal damage instead of healing. Notably due Shadowform, Spawn of Shadows or Embrace the Shadow or every Shadow Word - like Shadow Word: Horror, Shadow Word: Ruin etc.
More info on lore:
My two cents - by 10 days still in January big changes are planned, so expect to see the mini-expansion by that time in end of January.
This was posted 10 days ago:
Funny, it is snowing here formthe first time this winte
By rotating you would get the same compensation as for rotating the old sets - nothing.
Blizzard said, that [Hearthstone Card (Edwin van Cleef) Not Found] will rotate but Hall of Fame will be no longer and they will ease the access for new players.
So, my speculation what will happen.
What do you think?
Sure. Duplicate protection on all rarities, free Battlegrounds, battle pass actually giving more rewards than therewere before... everything is in players worst interest.
They said “there is no additional benefit to crafting or hoarding extra Edwins” so I think the first one will still get full dust value. I dusted my regular one and crafted a golden one.
As said above, you should have much more gold with this new system. With old system I was able to get 7000 gold per 4 month. If you got 8000 you had to play A LOT. Now I expect to get around 10-12000 (now I am at 7200 with 2.5 months more to play).
I agree, the big patch after 3 weeks suggest we will get the miniexpansion.
Also, new cardback (for February) needs to be patched in in January, so this is when we should get the patch.
Second day of Snowstorm! Nice.
Most likely the first one
Today is the Snowstorm (see front page) that is why the limit is doubled
This means you play a lot (time-wise)
Started the week with level 60 and looks like with doing quest and few games a day I can finish 15 levels per week
It would be very easy to disenchant 4 commons and a rare and then in each pack getting a new set for full disenchant value. At least you can recraft it with no loss.
Yes, the pin is back!
The treasures and HPs have their original non-nerfed versions shown.
The pin dissapeared!