If I think the comment is aggresive or offtopic I downvote.
EDIT: I just realized I downvote when I strongly disagree with a comment if someone already responded with my thoughts. Basically to me these are Agree - Disagree buttons.
I played a lot of Corrupt Warlock to get the achievment (Play 500 corrupt cards) and it is actually a fun and viable deck. In mirror matchups who gets the Tickatus first wins. But I do not encounter that much of them on ladder.
Turns out the update matters mostly for the end portion of the track. Only those that have advanced a lot will feel any substantial difference. The changes are very small for the people lagging behind. So, they are mostly rewarding the people that are playing more. Their whole idea is to make it so people have to sink more time into the game if they want to be rewarded. Fair enough. I have other games to play so i'm not putting much time into it. That's not going to change.
Actually this is not true, they reduced the XP needed for levels 40+ from 5000-9000 to 5000 each level. Which is OK change.
also don't get offended when you get downvoted specially when you said something you know might be unpopular
For example when you express the opinion that a control deck should be nerfed, because all smart players know that only aggro decks have to be nerfed. Always. ^^
It's easier to win against a deck that wins after 20 turns than one that wins after 4 maybe that's why
Name one deck in the current meta which (regulary) wins after 4 turns, please.
My achievements are super laggy on mobile. It has trouble loading the page when I scroll down and pulls me back up to the top when I claim an achievement.
Yeah, disregard my comment above. I'm still on level 35, but I'm much closer to completing it. I thought I'd be promoted a few levels, but I guess it's very heavily weighted to the end.
I finally managed to reach level 51 before the reward track gets updated later today. For the rewards, I picked the alternate coin and the Nightslayer Valeera hero portrait (hoping I will play that class more often). With the rewards track update, I should get a boost to level 60 instantly. I will wait and not open the 5 Darkmoon Faire packs we will be receiving today until the mini expansion is released.
so the mini expansion isnt gonna be released in the form of an adventure? or somekind of thing where u spend around 2k gold and u get all the cards from the mini expansion? u saying its gonna be added into the regular Darkmoon Faire packs? cause that would be a first
Exactly, so if you already opened at least 40-50 DMF packs keep the new ones unopened to get the commons and rares of mini expansion. You will get at least 4 packs from Winter Weil event, 5 packs from compensation, few from monthly rewards
What is the total exp you can gain from achivements?
That can't be right. Did you include some that had multiple tiers (like "Deal 50 damage with Tonk" then becomes "Deal 100 damage with Tonk" for example)? If it's really only 1480 all together, that's pretty crappy
My bad - it is 14 800 XP - one zero was missing. The value is without battle pass bonus exp.
So today I finally finished all achievments (except the Yogg secret kill which is nearly impossible to set up) the 500 corrupt cards played being the last one.
Blizzard's announcement blog is a bit weird ("one additional card pack each time your champion advances—to the quarterfinals, semifinals, or finals"; I don't think the system had clear quarterfinals, it probably means the winners' and decider matches then?) but you should get four packs regardless since Jarla was the other finalist.
Dh have more powerful cards. Example - draw 2 more cards
Comparing Arcane Intellect to Acrobatics really isn't fair because one is an evergreen basic card and the other is an expansion card that will eventually rotate. The basic set sets out what the class does, and the expansion cards are almost always more poweful.
A more appropriate comparison would be Cram Session to Acrobatics. Both require you build your deck in a certain way to maximize value, and both can draw well above the average number of cards for their cost if your deck is optimized to leverage them.
I do not think so, the Cram session deck building requirement is very steep and it does not really fit into mage archetypes. While Acrobatics is plain powercreep on other class cards and is not played because DH have even more ridiculous card draws, mostly generating tempo while drawing cards. Like Silence and draw a card. Cast 4/1 and gain 4 attack and draw a card. Draw 3 cards and reduce their cost to 0.
Just my two cents. How I do upvote/downwote
Most of the comments I just read.
If I like the comment, I upvote.
If I think the comment is aggresive or offtopic I downvote.
EDIT: I just realized I downvote when I strongly disagree with a comment if someone already responded with my thoughts. Basically to me these are Agree - Disagree buttons.
I played a lot of Corrupt Warlock to get the achievment (Play 500 corrupt cards) and it is actually a fun and viable deck. In mirror matchups who gets the Tickatus first wins. But I do not encounter that much of them on ladder.
Actually this is not true, they reduced the XP needed for levels 40+ from 5000-9000 to 5000 each level. Which is OK change.
Pre-nerf DH aggro
Same here, I can see how they pop up one by on
Edit: Same is on PC
I was 43 and half and now I am 47 and half
Yes, if you have all rares than ye
Exactly, so if you already opened at least 40-50 DMF packs keep the new ones unopened to get the commons and rares of mini expansion. You will get at least 4 packs from Winter Weil event, 5 packs from compensation, few from monthly rewards
There is another new minion (see Kripparians stream)
My bad - it is 14 800 XP - one zero was missing. The value is without battle pass bonus exp.
Source from Blizzard:
Edited: 14 800 XP
So today I finally finished all achievments (except the Yogg secret kill which is nearly impossible to set up) the 500 corrupt cards played being the last one.
Question - I picked Jarla as my champion, how many packs will I get?
Nerfs to DH please!
You are right it is missing though I had it
I believe we will see balance changes with the reward track fix patch, it is only not announced yet
I do not think so, the Cram session deck building requirement is very steep and it does not really fit into mage archetypes. While Acrobatics is plain powercreep on other class cards and is not played because DH have even more ridiculous card draws, mostly generating tempo while drawing cards. Like Silence and draw a card. Cast 4/1 and gain 4 attack and draw a card. Draw 3 cards and reduce their cost to 0.
Dh have more powerful cards. Example - draw 2 more cards
I like the direction but I would love to see few more changes, just to show gratitude from Blizzard to players.