1 mana 3/2 ... with coin.
Most likely a nono card
Looks good, good statline
I do not know how reliable it wil be
Straight into my wild deck
Love the pun
I cannot see a deck for this one
6 mana 3/3 destroy a minion in worst case
Like the idea, but is overcosred
Warrior removal card
I read "Set health of minions to 1"... that would be great, this is meh
Love the idea
Not very playable weapon
Depends on meta but eh
This looks like a good card to me
Like.. okey maybe
Seems worse than the Dr. Boom summoning bombs
I do not know if this is good or bad
Not worth, much worse then Animal Companion. They should make this 5 mana bigger bodies
1 mana 3/2 ... with coin.
Most likely a nono card
Looks good, good statline
I do not know how reliable it wil be
Straight into my wild deck
Love the pun
I cannot see a deck for this one
6 mana 3/3 destroy a minion in worst case
Like the idea, but is overcosred
Warrior removal card
I read "Set health of minions to 1"... that would be great, this is meh
Love the idea
Not very playable weapon
Depends on meta but eh
This looks like a good card to me
Like.. okey maybe
Seems worse than the Dr. Boom summoning bombs
I do not know if this is good or bad
Not worth, much worse then Animal Companion. They should make this 5 mana bigger bodies