In hearthstone it will be brutal, especially when finding good cards in a pack is very hard (i opened 53 packs of the new exp and only found 2 legendaries) and so you are almost forced to craft them for a high cost.
Here you will get 2 legendaries granted For F2P players
thought LoR is a place where players can't be f**** a****, however it becomes for whatever brainless reasons more and more popular, that players wait each and every round until time (nearly) runs out to make you quit. they won't be automatically marked as "toxic/afk" because they don't wait until time completely runs out to make their play. I understand in some rounds you need time to go through all the options, but not EVERY ROUND!
we need an option to report those players ingame. i play unranked and experience those situations at least twice a week, can't imagine how hard it is to deal with such idiots in ranked....
In HS this does not happen often to me but it helps to rope them back
It does have a crafting system. There's no DE system but you earn wildcards either from packs or slowly from opening packs. I've spent about 30$ total on the game since I started playing a few months ago and have some pretty competitive decks.
Down points for the game are the expensive land cards, which are needed for top tier decks but aren't terribly exciting to spend your craft budget on.
Up points for the fact that crafting a card lets me use it in countless decks. If I made a priest card in HS I can only play it in priest decks. This makes my cards feel like they are a little more valuable.
All in all the whole system feels a lot less predatory than the paper version since you never have to get into bidding wars for cards. The gold system is fairly quick to build up packs and if you invest in a mastery pass you get a good flow of rewards for continued play.
My last down point is in the short time I was playing the ban system can really destroy decks. For instance my mono-black sac deck was really ripped apart by the ban of the Cauldron Familiar. It's still playable but I crafted a pretty good amount of cards for that deck and was refunded very little.
HS is more economical if you are completionist but you can cheaply play MTG too. Especially if you jump in during a new expansion and buy a mastery pass, great value. If you complete the mastery levels and watch the shop you should never need to spend that much cash again to have enough gems to purchase the pass for the next season.
Sure, if you build one or two top competetive decks, you can achieve it (but still only one or two).
But if you want to explore the game and play wacky decks, you cannot do it, because the cards are extremely expensive and also you will meet only very competetive decks as people mostly do not have resources to put together fun ones.
So yes, if you play netdecks only and it suits you, MTGA is fine, if you want to explore the game deeper, you cannot.
In paper magic you can get the "bad" cards extremely cheap, in MTGA a very bad mythic costs you the same as the very best.
No bundle. I believe this will not hit the shelves immediately after 3xpansion, more like 2 weeks later. Nevertheless you know you can buy it sooner or later if you want.
I would love to play MTGArena bu5 I quit because the monetization system is extremely greedy for digital game, releasing 1500 cards a year (compare it to 400 cards of HS), no crafting system, no trading system, 4 copies of cards needed in decks. In HS for around $400 per year I can have a whole collection playing antthing I like, in MTGA the options with budget like this are very limited.
The card that single-handedly made Lifecoach quit Hearthstone in favor of Gwent, as soon as the card was revealed. Not even released yet at that point.
Here you will get 2 legendaries granted For F2P players
[Hearthstone Card (Onyx Magescribe) Not Found] will give you spells with any cost from any class...
No, the cards literally says the spells are from your class.
In HS this does not happen often to me but it helps to rope them back
Sure, if you build one or two top competetive decks, you can achieve it (but still only one or two).
But if you want to explore the game and play wacky decks, you cannot do it, because the cards are extremely expensive and also you will meet only very competetive decks as people mostly do not have resources to put together fun ones.
So yes, if you play netdecks only and it suits you, MTGA is fine, if you want to explore the game deeper, you cannot.
In paper magic you can get the "bad" cards extremely cheap, in MTGA a very bad mythic costs you the same as the very best.
There is a timer on HS page
No bundle. I believe this will not hit the shelves immediately after 3xpansion, more like 2 weeks later. Nevertheless you know you can buy it sooner or later if you want.
So we need to do this again?
Edit: nevermind, completed once moreSame here. Filled out the crosswords, it turned green and "You're not able to earn this achievement" popped up in red in bottom right corner.
Salt thread is here:
Should be 19:00 CET
I would love to play MTGArena bu5 I quit because the monetization system is extremely greedy for digital game, releasing 1500 cards a year (compare it to 400 cards of HS), no crafting system, no trading system, 4 copies of cards needed in decks. In HS for around $400 per year I can have a whole collection playing antthing I like, in MTGA the options with budget like this are very limited.
Gwent is slowly dying but yes, not completely dead yet.
Madame Lazul is a staple in each priest deck right now. Not broken but very good card.
These are the normal Mana wyrms? 1/3 gain 1 attack for spells?
I do not know... in this meta?
Nice effect for big enough body especially with the 7 mana summon 2 beasts druid spell
Better than the 4/4 stealth mech
Aggro deck staple?
4 mana 2/3 draw a card is weak... maybe except DH
Very good card for Priest