Unfortunately, MTG Arena can never be brought to mobile - you and your opponent can have dozens of cards with looong texts on the board both at the same time, it is not possible to create a mobile design for this mess.
There are plans to bring it to mobile and maybe it will not work out, but it is being attempted.
In one game you often have:
8-10 different lands (like 2x forest, 3x swamp, 3 different types of multilands)
3-10 different creatures and tokens with enchantments on them
1-5 enchantments
1-5 artifacts
1-5 planeswalkers
Your opponent have the same
How will you fit this on screen while being able to clearly distuingish between cards?
The name of the year has nothing to do with the expansions in it.. it was like this since the rotation started, if there's a relation it's quite vague it was the most connected on the year of the kraken (WOTOG-> tentacles, MSOG-> pirates-> sea-> kraken stories) , so.. this doesn't mean anything this is just a name.
no it will mean, You will see. Because Team 5 said that it will mean. Because they said that the whole year is around same theme. The theme seems E.V.I.L. and its plans but it will change at last expansion in my opinion with Deathwing's come.
And I think they will design years like this year in future. one theme for 3 expansions. Like how MTG does and succeed. This also binds people to theme. It is nice for players and the company both.
Yes, the year is about same theme. And that theme is Villains and Heroes. Which is during the Year incidentally called Dragon Year
For this three reasons (and probably many more...) Elise Starseeker is THE QUEEN OF BMING!!! Or do you think there is already other hero in the game better for the job? Make a comment on this thread to prove me wrong, please. :) :) :)
Unfortunately, MTG Arena can never be brought to mobile - you and your opponent can have dozens of cards with looong texts on the board both at the same time, it is not possible to create a mobile design for this mess.
I played with Dr Boom with 3x the ability that gives your opponent two curses. This is superstrong, last boss took 12 damage in turn 1, 12 damage in turn 2, 10 damage in turn 3 - it was over very fast. Other than than took small cards and always use the bomb Hero power
7 mana deal 2 damage to all divine shield minions. Yeah, no.
Card seems good though. Although expensive board clears aren't exactly the reason control shaman is Inferior to control warrior.
normally divine shield minions have low hp.. so it might be enough, the double damage apply seems really good.
Paying 7 mana to deal 2 damage to divine shield minions is never good. You either clear a few 1-3 drops, or deal 2 damage to minions with 4+ health. Either way 7 mana is far too high of a mana cost to accomplish this.
This is to kill the Token druid decks that spawn 2/2s after their minions die
So yeah... to be honest, I highly doubt it is worth it to grind with anyone but Boom. Technically, you can beat Garr if you open each chest on the lookout for answers to his initial board, but it just feels pointless to start every run with such a huge impediment on the 4th boss.
I played with Togwaggle and went through all bosses with breeze. 29 something minutes.
In one game you often have:
8-10 different lands (like 2x forest, 3x swamp, 3 different types of multilands)
3-10 different creatures and tokens with enchantments on them
1-5 enchantments
1-5 artifacts
1-5 planeswalkers
Your opponent have the same
How will you fit this on screen while being able to clearly distuingish between cards?
Well, MTGA:
- 80% of cards are unplayable packfillers (it is worse than in Hearthstone)
- you need 4x of each good cards in good decks
- you cannot disenchant cards to craft new ones, only chance is by using wildcards (which are quite rare)
- if you have more than 5 copies of a card (you can use max. 4 in any deck) bad luck, you will get some wildcards for miniscule rate
- there are ~3-5 expansions each year with ~235 cards in each expansion
You can play F2P but expect having only 1-2 good decks, while in HS you can craft as F2P basically deck from any class.
MTGA looks more generous but unfortunately it is not.
I recommend this
Played WoW to get the Paladin hero.
Very bad experience - players standing, waiting to respawn for NPC, then one kills him, rest is standing and waiting for respawn....
I prefer singleplayer RPGs
If you will be able to connect to the game
On the first day it use to be quite hard
except it is buff not nerf... the minons cannot be silence
Yes, the year is about same theme. And that theme is Villains and Heroes. Which is during the Year incidentally called Dragon Year
Helloooooo. Helloooooooooooooo.
What is the HP??
I want this one
You play this.
Your opponent plays something really big to take advantage.
Sap for huge tempo gain.
Oh this is continuos effect not a one-time effect.
Just make small mid-expansions, like the old adventures.
Great card, if your opponent is playing Magma Rager just like you can see in video. In other situations? Meh.
This is no new neutral mechanic - see Arena Fanatic,
Unfortunately, MTG Arena can never be brought to mobile - you and your opponent can have dozens of cards with looong texts on the board both at the same time, it is not possible to create a mobile design for this mess.
I played with Dr Boom with 3x the ability that gives your opponent two curses. This is superstrong, last boss took 12 damage in turn 1, 12 damage in turn 2, 10 damage in turn 3 - it was over very fast. Other than than took small cards and always use the bomb Hero power
This is to kill the Token druid decks that spawn 2/2s after their minions die
I played with Togwaggle and went through all bosses with breeze. 29 something minutes.
Human skeletons are not allowed in China